IH §
lauitcd "by lïi-c^SfAlaédW, and 'is S M SÉ of- the Stoplight
shift n •*f _ l l h
Xj The Wind-fliaft ; its extreme length is twelve feet, one toot tour
idle end] In3 on^Mdt ILeHnóh.dt % under end, having a
Spur-\\id.cl ^, fixed oi^tlè^ud'Üt ot it. , ,\f\ ' ..."
Y, A Spur-wheel, three feet nine inches diameter, [having fourteen cogs:
this W]ia%.Axed on th ,fim& haft, and* nation to thojSpur-whqelW^&c.
1 1, hdV^MfoMic Sails, twelve’^jeet &\nch|sTon^ ,£rdm lie fhaft:
to th Jo cumr, ends, &gH^fn<[hes?. bro id, tflx C° ^lf^s
that fern the anguki fgkg^e halved fèe^/e(v5n *nches
broadf and meet in a pWW&tlfe infer“end of* ea^h' Arm. - .,,;,;|
J-'-Na, a,;'a^ t .Thre&^i&ms,. nineteen ,fdk|jK 3 j^ghe^ longj |^ E | b J1 | fquar^xn
the middle, ' ^ 1 o / °^ tbe ^ “?dfhaft
•■ 'dheir rafter ég e e ^ke.,Anqs qÊthg Saib tare fixèfytó
; | R‘*fort f id i ol ltli fcrew-bolts, « jjf t f l& if tA # 1 _o£
forty-five 'Agrees \\ith^h^P^indtfhalh * ,7 i^ ^^TO‘6Rnr' ^ > ^ ^ ^ « I f *Sii
I All thcdemaindcri'hf' ^hc framing is put together fin 'the common wa^oi Mill-,
• Workv ,,
P L A }T .E ÏI. 3 1 1 G.|
'fbe.\Aid EMatioè^of tik M K i i .
'Thb pwnd^ali Mfev 1 ’
G, A* fe^on^fdne'öftSe'ifil^le
H, H, ~ 'TM'uMeE'send,,Raüs.*, || ^ _ f^ J \ * «’
I AÏèfÉiófi of a Ra%$ameè'inS tfe Pófts^A and Gt ^
K, v A Brage^/ratped, ope epd^of -it ipJiQ. fhe Poft Q,; pnd its other end intq
the Rail Ï. -Vo' ■ r?L ’'v ' . , .
L} a Rail, framed into the Pofts A and G, .asméfcfibed in Plate i.
... M, ® Af Brace, .framed^ in^o fehe-I^ail
-N. The upper end Rafil.,, ...
3!'[q Jq ]0* 0*. • C ou5 S rK t o
<?f’ï ^ ,V , 'P , ® Tliè* Troughs] wfilch condud: die water from the Scoog-vvh^lsj
'to.TtEe canal?, .»pa A . lo f.hilljrmo;;? \ .»'©P „ ■ -Y T 1
SsC* ^ ^ rmie?J t^'-!^PP°^inlie3i^r£0^ t^e ScooPfi . eels>
prevent them ffom KendingM^'' /. 1 < _i ,, ,
. R, R, t Twodron ^ ’slgn whicl^^ .fee^fom r^uts^f the Scoop-wheels, •
'■ whofecimentonsare deföri|èd-]mHate i ; . ^ y , ■ utihi'ncifj.nx •
LS‘Js,° 'DlC¥®Prown-whe^, 1 t o d ' pnTthe ,ax^s {of the Scoop-wheel.
^ , Tlie penpendiqjlar' Shafts j 1
'^fie Crown-v^ee^ ^n^gives * moffen fo, the Wheels S,ö. ^ c t _ .
A,f"° b-^he WiM-fiflItf Vét; bn'the moveatle Kerb. to,an angle of thirteen degrees
with the’ Jioriapp. ,( " ' ' “ y