, [ I J J I g g
- g E,' E, ' Rods, or Lifters, connected to t'he crank and faw-fram'ej No.
x On the upper end of thefe Rods .is a crofs rail, with an iron gudgeon at
each end: the gudgeons pafs through, and turn in, two holes in the under
ends of the law-frame. The two other faw-fraines are connected with the
crank, or | axis,' ’of the lantern-wheelf ; in the fame manner. See Plate II.
' ■ - * yd ‘ | ,
F '-; A'&^chirt-wheelj.'-fe^pn'-iiS^^ aftd ail half diamete'r, with an hundred
and U\ enty teeth. - This Wheel is a thin rim or plate o f iron, fcrewed ;
to the fide'df a grooved wooden iqllejl |oi ball el, which, with the pinions,
revolve with the iron axis, and aa'uates the rack, carriage, Frame, &c.
G A Lever, nine inches and a qtiarief long| feven-eighths of an inch broad,
and half 'an inch thick. One end of this. Leverturns on an iron pin in the port, near
the letter G ; the other end paffes through a ftaple fixed to one of the ftiles
tlie faw-frame, No. i. Lc> this I evet are flxed two iron-hooks, * ope of .
which, at ever) elevation of the faw-frame, gradually, moves .the ratchet-
wheel, grooved roller,‘ &c. the other hodk ferwes :'to flop the wheel from
going back. N. B. The outer hook is occafibhally fet nearer to, or further
from, the fulcrum, or.center-pin, of the. Lever, in order to regulate the mo-
tl0|| of the ' carriage-frame, m proportion to the cuts made with the Taws at
,^||ery ftroke.
■ "H H, H, l%.fee?iav§rM$^ marfeed(;L 2 ƒ Their'extreme lertgthis
^ P ^ i * l : f f i ifn c fe |in d A Kill? fh q *% r e p a ? 0 ^ f f ftiles^ ^ ^ ^ ie x | fith s
of an inch; thicknefs, five-eighths. The dilfcince between the ftiles. Ife^vp
Riches’ aTid'- thjhe-elgh^wl ‘ ^piage-
^ m e s , is%rniAecl5;w ^ i^ ‘f jt ch e t^ l^ F |^ v ^ ^ l,e f> oM>a^i WVther
with i t s - s »fno6ks,Jwine m s lm e s , ' p h j n c s i ' ;
' 1 j 1 I, ' Three jDairiage-feinesVr^»-feet;ijiS^-inc^e^.and three quarters
long, and five inches broad * from out to out. ' In the middle oft each of tile
¥r|mel i f Slxeclan ®hich!'is* actuated ajfiinum on p e iron axis,
as before-mentioned. " _ _ |||
# K K, tl v w Wmehcs, drawing
back the carriage-frames. .. . L_. ; j 1 vt 91 , . J I
' L, 'A 1!6ver, ^ninetetn “ ^eheiT and & | lp ^ 3 o h g ^ with an irortLi^k,
-which, by pwlgradations, turns the ratchet-wheel the length of one tooth,
at every elevation of the faw-frame,‘ No. 3,' on which the end of the Lever
bears. . See Fig. 1 and.8. ^ \ / .
M, 'A Ratchet-wheel, with its,.click, barrel, lines, &c. This Wheel is
four inches diameter,; with forty teeth. The barrel, is one inch and an half
diameter, and fix inches and a quarter on its periphery: to this is fattened,
and wound up, a line, or rbpe. f It is alfo fattened,' and properly connected,
to the putties and Srane'. V gee M, Fig- 8.
I N H N, A