^dtei&tiglyy t^offlh.c;- Apq^ii^tity ^ fand,
|W&laffiky“.Miy. nilvcf “ iaiid crnn Jhmafctfer, is jpufj
tó) Ê®it tfes®h wat5*j:
^iG^r^OSüMiie{:«it^isaÊif^i .^h^ s .c^j:jj^
the trough G ïs tó i fto»ijth#ia}fidcoftv^gad dkEihya$h?,$kptfl H, to,.ths,fljacer
ingj&ijled. . ,nriG-l«ft loqqu 'i.\t omi b$j- . I ^ r-tü
■ Oi j- Tfh&ttijftmg' 'Beamj,. chngigÉÊdjjtQ-$£ ^ j r f©r£§r,s,.^,;the bot^enyof
bjy^h®bas*,'iSïr^iilQfeSP^jWt^ïgf d-i
;- l, P, 3^te/^fel^S8@Bi^i#’ Éf®ieliÖ^Ë/?a^k^'B®fiEft^IyT^e!>S9^ tyt&kn
ej^ht^fe |ó«g, sod A*
remrfrifed 'itügp A&r^iié^Eatodj «p^sö ,# is 1#. ,1 ?£ Sfe?fe
Ê&aide^fraaBDces^.'theta is aaijapeKturq
•qhii^pkft^in a p^sndkialé: dfiUi£^pÖ>. a»é ® t%«sd&|B8'jflé
frames, threrAjbre^blea, | | | #$g>
team. Hftly rnidaripin* Case -J*ijj))rffV««t tfesj fiféd *i|»u$êfe;:e£ fPSNFbi-
defending fo low-asct© hear. oih. theWaJyeSi^Lt^vV^a ^
l iE e r p i ^ a r e ^ f t e ^ ^ r^ ln d fe Q, i^ xM $&*#?£% <4 ’
tlfê wni^^^Vtö.’ffi'-tliró^ p üff{fr-om'-its ba'fis. w
’0 ,Q } fR c Mall/.t^ o'Afect lpn,g, tw^mpfees ^.idi^etjer at the bottom, and
MjG-eighths^gan in3 i thick ^t the ta 4 ;JU1§ k |P er P ^ | ^ 9Und;^ v t | | ^ and
the uéderparfe in uhecfots*- (rf!^ ,he.X^odfïf)nreaGh fade, W
f c p n t % a circle, IW m o f f e l g | l tholfodï ef&he. Maft* ahd .briaCed w.kA
c o h e s i e biaefe^T, t , &ë; which a r e^m o r tj^ L iiïo h th ë Maft, as.de-
'preft‘idedfe"K%.-.ï, ’St^eurvêdteifis being thmïanqed, ife bearing point^or I
f t n t e r j a f ^ v k ^ wiltvm*fifc wrtstf degree oÉonffinafrBh/öfTtóiMaft, by^he
Cf e f f ure p| thega j i id ^againft'the fafe'g%k . -f ai nctfinoviii Aih
R RaS^Ci Six Quadrants, whofe ij^diuf;s are 'each revgn menes |
foot bf^ the maft/ and % è ótfcer
end 'isfelévated feiir inches/and an half from the tippet
- °S, -S,- "'T'wfl iron Ring», faftened te the ends e f th^ pele V, whieh turn
*]|Sofely foüïid ;fhe maft. U.. ' . n 1 ,
Hwlp T * &c. Sik concermüp Brac^, mortifed _iiïto .the maft and to the
Sevatedends öf.thëflüadrantsf ‘Thèfequadrlhts andBraces% p o rt the maft,
ing'to the force of thé wiM. > .AA&h^’^ $ ' . ' . . rr-n-
V 5 A Pole, or Staff, one fpót tóngj^and-half an inch in diameter. This
.iote is eQofrei&d. to the; m^ft 'wiA two.«©« tum^oof§lf r^ui^
themaft, hut.areftxedtoeaph end.ofthe.pok- I . . ,
>. ;0V. A Sail, made of ooerfe cliath. twelve fegh^ fafthdCh with
fmt&seord ts&fche f^arm®- ' f '''xWir,‘ xisrW,