ë ; Papt öfxméoftife 'Païlete. See Plate r, Fig. i, and Plate 3, Fig. 6 and 7.
^ The óf >411©:.feaek Plate.
•' itcfe1 :PrSËiej: ïhat fljpports thé Crutch A, and Pertdühtm K.
X, A brafs Cptky'by which the Pendulum is fufpenfied, and the fpihdlë
s f the Grütóh 'fhppöttödj -
. Y, A brafs Platej fattën^'wiüh a ferëw tö thé fekd 'fide atid under end öf
Z, A sW;.Sie#|h the Jrafs Plate Y, to receive the fpindle of the Strew h.
a, A,Stud, wBic&paffilg'loofely^thrdugh the curved mortife in the brafs
Plate Y, is fixed to tJ^e,t>utfchs&.~
b, Affgiall ,s?%w^ w h iA paffes-through-a female^fcre^ m„the head of-the
Stud a : th| „or, P^ot ^cngs^^paifes loofely through the Stud Z, and is
I nvetted kcnuMyt: its u|ejp to bnng^the tirutcE and Pendulum .to their proper
’ B U M l i B B M M B l fupport the fore end of the Ham-
mer-atbqr. «Sce-lp^te 1, Fig.fsJ and Plate '3, 'Fig. e?
An iron |$| anvihcKd.dng,|fixed'^mlhe^raW^Iate Y, and paffes through a
mofpfein the Pendulum, to give it motion.
. P L A Ë I t F i ö . 4;
Q, ‘ A"bfafs Platé. 1 See Plate 3^ Kg. I.
R, 'The iron Frame, that fiipports the Crutch and Pendulum; See Plate
8‘ c f Thé Cock, that: Rippdrts the Tore fpindie of the flamme/s axis. ' See
Plate, 1, Fig: 2,jahd’ plate 3* pig. 5.
‘ 1‘/ ’ T'he Rack/wfl^re ra<|us is Four inches ahd one ttirelïkB 5 ife* portion of
a ^pircleA three ihcheS and teki. twelfths* having twelve teeth : its thicknefs is
'.one .eighth df aft iftfchv '
m,. The Cannop-pinioft^ thtee fourths of an jnth diameter, having twenty
ledVfes: ■ it fe fixed 8ft the axis''6f thé*JMihute-harid, plofe to tke'Sfore fide of’the
VPlate 9. <
sn> tB The Cock, _ that fuppdrts the fore end of the axis of $he Centre and
Hour Wheels, rCpréfeoted by ocqult lines.
/ o, * The Minute-Vrabg', two inches and three fifteenths diafneter, having
fixty teeth, and is aöuated'by thè Cannon-pinion.nt.
P». A Pinion, .“fixed on the collet; of the Mihutè-ivhèei, five eighths df an
inch diameter, hating fifteen 'leaves, by which the Hour-wheel is actuated.
q, The Hour-wheel, two inches and £ half diameter, having fixty teeth j
this Wheel is fixed dft a tpuffy wMch^riï on The arbofc of the centre-wheel,
oütfide the brali Cofck ri7
r, The Shall, whtsfe Cxtfeme radius is one inch and three fifteenths, hating
twelve notches agairiff thé' ftüd of the Rack-arm, ot weights, rifes to regulate the
number of ftrokes: thls-Shail is fixed on the collet of the Hour-wheel, one fourth
df an inch befcre the wheel; 1