C n f
Ü f
^ Inscription o f '"the R&v. '. fiîr . . H^‘w,ett’s HORSE-HÔ,Ê^fw/ HARROW.
Fig. i . AperJpoaj^View oj’.^e H oe and Harrow.''
r p ]
and three eighths of an inch thick on its back edga^ÿ:1
' B, B, The: Éurt^d Bid^^or' Shoûldêrs “rff'th'&'Slrare, ^ë^turned^^at
right angles with the fagelpf the?îhare^j^eir extrerift length is^terr inches ;
breadth fourirtchte's'-, ‘ a£ their hrhdéV’énfef and twjofetheir npper, declining to
the hbifeotr Ibfefifixtÿ degffefe. ■-vf*
C, Ç, Two curved Irons, foairteen«îiîëhfe"s Ibng&one inch an'd’thftie-
éi^hths btbafe and* a quartfer dFTttfdribh 'fchitki theffenfeftsF'feë tohnedted to
the fhafts M, M, .with the rouridPÿoh bolt; ltrew] and hut E>,‘: anfi td the fifes
bfïhémaîe with the tWtHffesi:pihs; É, Ej chainèa^Q thè'feder endirofMhe
hândîès K, K.; théfehdrivSiirofisare pief ded thr odgli WithnbîêsnS^tiàrtfet^bf
ari fech dfefet’frôi^eàcÆi^feti ahd fervé occafidnaily to àîter the ihclifiimin
of the fliare, &c. 77
D, D, !
of aii inch thick, with fquare°feadt,i^cfféweKÿà<hd:S^s ^thfefc 'pmPfttve ’to
fâftèn the iefefe’d<1dp*iëiC,-iS,, tiÿ tnefliaîts M, ‘Mv00
E, E, Two Iron Pins, fattened with fmajychains tofthe under'ehfe of the
handles ; thefe pfes'fedn&febnhliÿ nîbved ffom^qne'helè tV the*othert)f the
curved irons, ~wheri“theinclination of? the fliare is -to tfâaltefëa.lTj
F, An Iron Frame, .with twUt aijns,^ndDa t|avfrs,^br dEtpjfs bar, , to wliïëli
there are three tines; nine incfes loftg^ fee, in® „anÜ quarter, broad, fed
three-eighths 6f-^.mcll^tmék*:'1n theiore ëndor tne" àrriis there is a round
hole for. the bolt G to pafs through^ and admit tne^Harrow ro7turn‘ Pecly
thereon. - .
G, A round Iron bolt; w^tha fquare Bead, at one erid, ,and a fcrewand
nut at.the other; this Bol^l^-i^gças.^!b^^;t^th^jtl^gars^iiçtnas^B, B,fjid
as. a fpindlefor the. arms o,f the harasv to turn 'on-'f^i^'exjrerne length is cine
foot three inch#S, and thièk^iefs’ f^e^ghyhs.uf an ifich.
H, A Travers, or Wooden Rail,, cme /ofefene inch long, two’inches
and:anshalt bfead; fed',feeifehahd^qu^èH;lâfckfl4]Ës-ÏÏSiHS'hfeâfediêto
ri^'hândlës^W-'the dffl'fetffiô'ttt thei'r'hétdiëf fefldfcP
'T; ---A-Rô^ëp^flâiëâ^to'bhë hPme RandîbsHiS tfite hbe^antfio 'thf^ereflfs
bar1 Of the harrow : this Rbpè ïerVes’:tb take tip tllë^haÿfoiPHvhen the-’treêds-
âffr raîetfifé^ffiê'rhi fihffiTiéajis, aPconfehienti dfeanCeS1?© be: takentip' and'
carried xÆ-'
K,Tv,. The