- .1 5* ]
T , T, TF^Ty '-''The Van£s|*%r‘ Sails?rw*r2et?wre
and oheifeiqt broad, fattened foJtHeJwmWhlfaif-'in tfm Mial^raffineft 4 5
■ -El;'' ■ A la¥^'5W,6ndb'ntWdatHer?c'oc^,^rni^H FlS^er^^'rarTrl^Se fails t#"the
p | </•'The5Collar-tB&iif,d*efr Plat Fora^bPShfe^Roof,1 twefity^rwo ^htheSg? by
fe venteeny pin diameter. 1
"W, r>->^The Trikion-R oiler Pframe, 1 fidi^ritfe'erPM’ches* -antr ~afIqtrart®f in *dia-
m©t^£ andrbMf^tt ^cb^tbSelt:'0 r
. X , X,' &c. The Fri&ion-Rollers, 'three -quarters of an inch1 mjIni^i&rer
at their 'ouiereiids': t <
Y, «1 The Hypdthenuffipor ffixe'd Cbllar-Bearn*/feventebfi m^H^^'hhd' thii^d
quarters diameter,; and olde inch'knd5 an half thibk.'- -
Z , ' iv iTnfe :rfiain Shaft, ‘fiwfhfeet' h in e f T n th g 's 'm tt^ h lS S rqtiartHl-^ 'r o ^ ^ !f?wt)
inches and an h a lf in .diamet'eri a t th e bottom," k id ^on^fftch' EfncP’-afr Half a r its
uppelireftd.. o £
saj ag ah
0(ttag©,n'd|)irey:Whofe!height,’''ffdm: its^platferm t-o:'its'3fefed10eallar-b'earh^'®W
fieCithree-i^t^eriand' ah Eralf v j:j
m shy hyl sisThel G-adeiy-j whicto^Ms^bhndifhe^iM^WeFfiieilHSl1 S’J
1 -cliCj'&c. "The.'Studs, or,RbUers,>'t'hrhel<^lrM-s!'df1 ah' mclf4i i {Waffletf¥^
,rfd, <sb &eJoAKfroji)Shoes,- dr'^ochetsy'faft'eh'ed^
pr«g^i3g! .ttefioqErfi3t©rs> o£iah-_ inch therefrom,' -‘eMblac^tM'ttffifd's «ondthd
cylinder,, and are by. them' lifted up before-mentioned.
, l ,«yiy-?P,teyje;be£ey »$. e, ^ epej hi i Twelve-TMte&, «Or'dfcbft pigefek %f^Wo?cM/
Which are made ufe of to fix and regulate the- fpring^H
7£y;fjrr.I|>Two directing:Rails..i: fDfaykhisidifefi^^eaei^^JfhlilhftajhS th u^is "
fattened a piece ofwood, with ntftdhe^, or mokifes^in ’Mii'ch^iJett^mf/e'r^affe’
infetted ahd moyfelodfelysfup iaM dbwhj iiwhenJ‘a<ahated^ ^fidO’ftuds dn*'®?
’ g, • A Rail, notch’edHn» thfei toerfaqamaer hSi^h®n?a®^4#hikli«'giefM8fiSh^‘
ftafipdw.. :This Radrdont^sl thertdlers t^'ep^cc. ari<#feiWSSi%Jfdi-and/le-
gulate the ends.of the fprings of a proper height,' to keep the ftaE^p'efs^frSm'
bearingrohtheiftrajw.; ,
.-h, lo -AlRaib.imwhfoh fhmedds^f theTpkng'Vaffe f^fehid.!;3vl
i, A thin Plate of Iron, fattened to the rail h, and-'pierced th t^ g lf with1
holes for the ends of the fprings k, k, which in the model are madeof fteel
wire, , or comb-broaches; but in the machihe itfelf they are made of fir,.a:#??
Of any Other ftraight w^©demr|>Glefcri3
. k, , A Set .-of Springs, madmiekffeel wfirey ><br woohebmbers- breaches;. their*
points pafs through the apertures in the ttampers. See Fig. 3.