[ h 1;
D, An ir° n Screw-bolt, eight inches long, and feveri eighths of an inch
rfiaraetei one end of this Bolt i flatted, and let in flufli with the upper furface
p f Bridge-tree ’P, , and nailed ^hereto ; dts fore end, palling through the
^rportife and' is fix^d to îfs placé wjth'fthÿi irçîn qiut.
I l B, its:3Bngth fr®m |^ # ^ 'k S4nfl fb the flioulder of its
iènon is pra? fobÆ^fiîfch^^s eMéîrie 'bréïâdffr thrèe'’irfehA.an'd4iihlè'lf, and two
fï'ndhès and a Ivtlf ÔiichL^ t^^^dôcnd of n'isj^dufaflant, to admit a wedge, by
‘which th.e Biidg^-tree/u Itijiorward or- bpekwàjjch tb$BHng the llonb-to à horizontal
pofîtion. _
^^iSSden^Sfc'fe'vFincF Nut : ’its ekfrètaîéflength fobt thrèe inches ;
jts fcreW-pÜrî S Wnfe'inchëà1 K5¥?g; and three'fourths ô f ari'4ndh'ldiâmétef4 uîts! un-'
derpèt¥#o^Mètes^quâi^/r'fliHirfg'inik%i6r#fê^n5fthe middle <5fj thé î^ail E,-and
^ aÆ ^ t ik . in it to lccci^&hesicnon of the Bridge-tree;^' upper end -pafiihg
Shiough i W i « middle of the Rul, 1 fupported by the Nut’df the Screw,
| y pfâch means t|| upppr^ftone isMfeiiip-h'en br Jow-er. -fa-s,'need requires*
R, -;Spe Rail, t'llppli WhÎG^M&rè^t;|afles, «,nd bÿ^vhich'' the- upper
Hone i^jfupported4to a proper bearing.^ f- ‘
I S». ' 7 l'A' PiftioflÂjfix^nehd ^iaifièter} Mvrrigafé4’d3gS“i^this^TiMoh’ds^ fifed on
îfû? i^ri' fpftiHlg Jone-foiit fi\finches long, and three ïouitfis arffiTmeh iqiiare':
^^fekfpydle turns dnfa brafs nuti. in the middle of the upper
;®faceqrmejOTd^Htreé P;‘
foo^’fix inch‘e^‘3ïôhg-,.'and Weçs fourths ôfran
inch fquare, on winches fixèdytüçPinTônJ % -afid 'ther,d|)per Mill-ftone a;’ which
«Téine feflt rwo <&ièfîpîa||!^e't^r,y^See^lSfè jl,Figr^df ' '
V , 1 Hurft-hdard' JgfBedndf 4M iMifl> ihtd ^fdPthe under1 ftone is
ht^hafi^hë* tnlcfkhefs“'iof ’the’ 'Board'! alhd fixed in a1 horizon^Fpofition^: this
Board is feventeep inchisr?^àr^ln^¥Æt^^®és^Wk^ and is fixed:w'ithcftrong
refëWs to founder fide of tire Board X ,r therefore tis'nof to be feen'in either of
tire3 liâtes.
X, . A Board, twd.fêîÉone inch, and a half fquare, and oneinch thick,
fixed mi 'the upper ’fufface o f fhe Rails C and’ D,havingan aperture' . in the
fipjmle prit, .to 'let the under ftone pafs' through i£. .
1f'Y , J Tfie^Kerb, '‘0 & fèx : ohe inefi/and a half fqiiare,0 and fix1 inches deep,
feade-qf half inch boards/.' ,
À hollovi^ circular Fly, two feet diameter, 'three inches'15 and a half
broad on its rim, and five inches deep :,;tnis Fly is divided ‘into-nx' divifiahs,
intOswhich'is put a quànpfejl of iead fhot, to bring it to a proper weight t it
is fixed on the upperftone with iron ftraps.See Plate II.
The Frame and Hopper are the fame as in other Mills, and are therefore left out
tesflrew!;tfié$>tone and Fly.
Y o u II. N P L A T E