. f 4 0 . 3
horizon twenty degrees; their -under ends :are inferted into' the {hare, and their'
upper èinds' pafs :thrqugh à 'crófsdbeam, or tranfom, to 'which they are fattened
with iron''Wedgësî''and waihers./ ;
/sGps-.;« An Irorf‘Sheat, or-Brace,kne foot three, inches'! and* * thre'e quarters' lorig;'
three inehesibïOadjj and one <inch*. and a quarter thick, inclining '.<ro|the horizon '
twentyfdegrees ; the under end of'ithis Sheat is rivetted to the fliare ;Wfe upjpbr,'
end paffes through' thedbeaîîï, and is fattened; thereto'■"'withan; iron wedge* add
waflier. ^
o:©.;©,- ; Two Pieces ofTlate Iron,v (Sëehg;‘,.s.)îtone'fobt nine^'ôlïeskhd'an
half long, from their undfer * edges, five‘inches and a quarter broad, and a'feuri
pne-twelfth of âa ïpoh» thïpk; their fore ends iar,@i cut off flanting, 'and rivetted:
together, -diverging1','towards "their back-' ends,' ’which "are -fattened; with"twö -if®1#
pins tp the two iff andards B, B, and ferve occafionally ask dpublê 'm'oüld-board to
heaf 'or earth iip the drills'on* ekfehefidepf-the intervals^'fbut wheh-the^ hoe Js'rfirft
drawinthrough the intervals, thefeiron wings are taken off, and <the,,hng'ulârî?fHarè
or hoe, cuts off the weeds at a proper .depth; ‘leaving- them Qn'tÊevfûi3^ëtoFth1bT
ground, where they, remain tilt fheyrare Sufficiently -withered to prevent them.ftöm
vegefktirig;- the fécond going through tbe/intervals, .the iron’ WihigS aire put oh, and
are ufed to earth up the drills, as before mentioned:.
-ATIarrow, with fevqi tines,Teven.infehes ahd an hâlf’4bhg{lff/&fi’ tfféir
{boulders | tri their points, and two inches and a quarter: diftant from each?
other; the. frame of the Harrow is one foot four inch^s/md a quarter fquare,
and. its fliaft (which is fattened to the {heat with an iron center pin and
feathered bolt) is four feet long, including the Harrow frame; this Harrow
is ufed: only when the hoe is drawn firff through the intervals "without the
iron wings, and ferves to pulverize -the mould, and at'the. faille time loofen.
and eradicate the weeds therefrom.
F, A round-headed Irori'îPm,-and feathered Bolt, with which the'harrow
is fattened, to the Iheat C.
G, g An Iron Hook, or Brace, which ferves to ftrengthen andrfupport
the beams and meat.
H, A round-headed Iron Pin and Wedges, with which .the hook is
fattened to thè beam.
I, A Gage Wheel,j ófte foot four ipches diaöieter, and two inches three,
quarters broad on the periphery. ;
K, The Iron Gage-Frame, whofe arms are orie foot two; ipcHes/knd its
{hank twö fëét four ^ihchys and'three quarter's? long, three inches broad, and
one inch(thick; the {hankof this frame is"pérförate<l -with fmall hóles, and
patting through;the beam is fattened thereto' with à róünd-headed iron ■ pih,
and^eathered bolt; this Gage ferves to regulate the depth of the {hare o!
hoe in the ground, by moving the iron pin' Lr from ffile hole in the thank to
L, An
p 4%i ]
!Pin’ :àhd<?M të ë fed[ Bolt, with which the gauge is fattened to
the beam; “
'Uhkn ^ ^ t h e r e d -B o l t , which ferves as an axis
fôf tHe ^gefyvheehfb tmm-Biff ‘
M m of tlJi S^-frame i,
faftenedgfebeafc., and by taking it out, the » “éafirylmovédTiom one
hbl'e' tP-an'other. -
. j ^ I r 0 n M e > witlra round-headed bolt and
P, The ChmhP# 'the Whi|$iè-lree/
inchfe's long,' from' its
f e S ï ' « é f i g h f MtFfoiîFihch'es § f g | | g the: tail end
m tôw^fds' the Vdiift^hrita^end, kriiich-is twd inches ând three
quarters on alh fidgs-.?'
. Th’^ïfàhdl'es -'ô^ tKPH’oH/.'w'hofé extreme’ length^ ate fouir feet
B f qi^ e f^ k n^ d ffe ‘foot ‘twri inches'diftant froni each
\0lC 'fattened to’gether'with a'Wooden
trofidld; thfe'Haricfleà Jdr^^ftMed''illor‘tb^ ïle^îièàm and woodfen ftandatds;
fglfeh wooden-trundles.
Mo-'eMe-^tt-cte i^eam, ' or
tÊâhfoih''T. ' t*
^.T, The crofs Beam, or Tranfom, is - one fpdt fix inches and three I
qjjarters Jong,...and_.three.mcdifis.mid..tJxre.e_quarters jOpiaGU thejyjder end pf
beam is mortifed- ifila ’the Trahfonvto which -the four ftandards *are alfol
ihfçrted as'h^|djF§-meri|iÔl'e4
^ f^ejcription and Explanation LLd^hli^ HARR o ”w,;.^r J lijf
*fitay .Land.
3>_ J4 per]^e£iive^Vi^,qjt^fhe tlARROwi '/'
• A,'A', A, A, ' Four ctffVed ShaftsjW Rfihs;'tWo feet^ten" inches long,
and one inch and three quarters fquare^ each Rib is furnilhed with fii flat
tines,’ fixed fix ipchesTdiftant from e&ch Other./ *
B,;B, B, ° Three’ Rails, _loF Staves, inferted ih'(p the^cuJved {hafts, or
ribs,., andJ ^ffene,d thereto'1 with'' ‘wbo!den trundles;5 ]tlie' length' of the fore
liaiHs.Jwo.Teet Afiye'incK.es/'arid^-a quarterj/'Snff/the mind Rail is two'feet
{even "‘ffidnestKeir ‘ breadth's ‘1 ^ and three
quartersu)f a,n inch thick.
M C, The