f $$■ j
<£ iAs the ihoulcferg bf efe hind b£ horfes, which are kliowed the moft
P W feE'PI»^feh«>'^c.^enferally lay.at an angle of >about ten degrees thirty
fninutes, computed froth a perpendicular^' as A, B* C, in Fig. i. in order td
halves the c o te ithplngfe^po« the' grtatfcft hiffece oS the fhoulders, § thing
^pfclutely,»ngqeffaryf' tcJ pbfervd the A in Uppri - their fhoulders, &e.) and td
giVefe t - !'G'^ ^ reS- -‘fcbanbet#8r fefpihataon, and ufing to the greateft
adyantage^t'Mt mdfcul^b'rfce, ^the dinfe fbfv.m<aibn ought to lay at right
ah^es, j ito^tdldt^^hiclisntheif' lhbuleJefs’ malce with a perpendicular* as
^ “koA idenio-nftratidhd dfbttib «fa^affettibrid,- >Vhich I believe deferves the
P o l i t y of M n i s * m m li W d tbpious defcription of the
ipechamlm ®T a -« .m a tu r e -of-; this effay w it adinit of,'
^tdre£@re mnft#l.ve‘,ariy fufther r&ms^Sli'be determined bybbfervation, &c.
“y^bgirimgfe iofkthe-Jine -©fotfeliHorl "tb jhterfe^ the angle of fhe' fhoulders,
^ghfrither^orp'lto'make ari> angf&iwiflr the horizon of ten degrees thirty
.nun^es^a^F^/Ffg. r. '
^^^»fJavjngt fixed» the lin^d^^aM’bii/rand fhewn 4what appears to me to be
of dM8 j^Morfiri.regard tp the horfe, &p. I ihall Gpnfiddr nj
;%thef%xftp^g®#itsieSect «pen the .ploughs- >,
S^^toeij^age'ofl. contabb'offthe liisfe of if ration and^plough-ought, ifit Were
« t r c a b > , . ; t o ^ at or near that point the Center
'ofj p e r s o n lays rPutUstithtS' im||ffibl-&the lirfejoftrablibn can beconne6i:ed
ahtdiat-p^nt without interrupting dsheftoperatibn o'# thet-inftrument* annt-hef
^ ir lt ,m n t 'b e fnbMteted;g>aftddttmwfe^u,glit^oJhe as near to the point of
%fee ras+the- conyemdmbe of fheinflrument wit admit, ofr-for the greater
dipwc^jdhe loxfg^Vtithe vleyier,' add ,eonleqiient|y the more powers the
have a/tendePeyto fink the lhare into the
ground either, than Communicate to ifr.an'horizontah^otions" To'fix-this
, dpftance, as I >^id?bfef<*rej {there is -no TcertainfEule^ but ..that it muff be the
leaft the^bjayenience vo f the inftrument will admit' o£- ahdKthat,, I humbly
preiume, cannot bedefs than fdutteeiarinches in a plough which is to perform
only common work? taken perpendicular above the point of its lhare as the
line D^.FK: :
f£ From, the above.cojifiderations,; it muft be abfurd <tQ,>conne& the line of
tr,plion at,an "angle"’ behind Uhe pointfoh the lhare,. as it unavoidably either
Ipads ^ the Wheels umheceteily, by giving the lhare too great a tendency to
gro^ d 4-'pf i£ ho Wheel, eaufes the fail .of the plough to rife,
fo>s to r iia l it hop as it Were upmTthe poinFoF the^ar^;'Either of which
gijes the balance cruelly againftthc htorfds, fatigues the holder, and fpoils the
lalfd.?^'The *lihnr,'of tra£SQh3i being ^hoye the point of the.
Aare* | | the point of contabf with the plough, and upon the Ihoulder of a
horfe fifteen hands high, will be about four feet one inch abbve the furface of
K the