P J4 ! ]
' k, a, a, Three ’Barrels, oy ■ g$oo|'fd» wheels', op. which the lines, Of ropes,
are gradually wound up, as ,fehe carriage moves forward ; and by which they
are alfo 'drawn ||tck winch K, when jthe flocks are fown quite
b, b , T h r e e Pinions, comiddted with th e , racks' and-carriage-frames,
which‘^afe drived forward’ thereby'over the directing ftuds Y , Y,
&c. -as's^ready mentio.nedjin the>defeription of Fig. 2.
P • !L | T B ’' aF I G. ’ - 4.
A & tW f r a l Mffj j/f Igon-xRacks. t^See JW, W, 2« the Defefitfition
p a k f e .t *Ti gPj gft ,
xf^ane,< 9^‘k !
tl/lfl, ^s4k ‘iShw^¥fa'm'ejJi 3?s-1
hlojj, V-Ai^Lfc^erP aTuat'edoiby itfe ffaw-feSipe S^^dS‘ed!.d’eTGriptib-n idf L, '
Fig.' 1.
M , , A Ratfe'h'eyg^Whheh aftd Barrel, tgdtua'fcedthyftdld Tfeferjand'iis hook at
f Iyer y !fellvatibi5 i of-th e ■ faW-fraftie',3Vfi ->
■ E^N,1 %. 'Crane;,, with its PuIIil-., &c.' VE& forth in, Wd .djfcriptionvof’N,
sMg.'- 1 pj&cTS'y
y/iiOi Hook. iK^^^^jidate^fedd in the-ed'dfcr^tion of.Tig. r. ,
;flaUhefe dPawM’gs 'are Mkteri rf£afoJ4^qd©l! of ^a;|§^-rni%fihh!'cfe by Mr. James
^tansfieldHtb ,'oftiahi»ih’8h ttokarfootfe';- tfdr .vsfhich the Soyeiety
gave h^g.J ftoe?Kuhdredf jisUftcfs, a"ndi teh-^Uinea'S'for'hr S'improvement of
% r&r®fs cuttin^faw addedhthereto^Sedeitober r 2§(^d f
M-’^Thy dt^giS^f 'Iffi, ‘c#®?^e^t?ffw|i'&1;‘akmodeh' y?*ak eMdted', and5’worked for
'’foke-fucceffi^e ydajs, in C©hfd5pi^pfev'©f fiicheffivekpreitiiums 'offered, 1 arid paid $
3by the ''SSci^ty<;,'ainou'ntirlg*ihft'hP,'M?Olh ifo'Che fuml^itwo Hundred and
©ftWBnty, pounds;^'
N. B. Thefe draw ing^areir'in^le-slo' a leak* of two"-inches 40. a Fdbt!:©f the
O o C H A P .