„fi, h'j'fMf il, Tffi; roja^ Cardinal'Skïl'ë}.,
ó, ojfif-' JT^SStPcur afUfiant' Stilk
p, The LiSffiatJoinAit Sails to each other. Plate 3, Fig. 3.
n ' p l a ,m.-- f ,i, g. S‘ y
Ta Tjhe Can iage-rjra^ffi'« l i i^ up^er^Wrat^of the perpendicular Shaft
tiïfttsV*1 Sbë"' PMtrerI $ Tijg.*-’ W ** ■
W, The llidfn^ K cpb. ^fSb^PlatG t, Fig.. 1.
X, X, &c:, The h al t ^Snpk Sk,c „ T?lat^| 1.
I Y, Y} l^ate i/Figfl!?*
R z , ‘, T l i c Ci^ ^^gatliat iiSppoitV the babk^eai^Bf ï&e Windfhaft. See
MSter ï , Fig.
& g p * -'‘ The RiMifts 3lfee < "&$ dP'the .Windfhaft. See Plate
i> Kg- 'iVty
-fr,1 ’ ' The WindfMft. Baé Pfeté'^' Fig? i.
dki The^v^ti|ah Crowft^MefèPF1 ^SfeePFlate 'ia ■
9 / - T h e Böiffèr.r 58eë Pldti* ï : V
‘ ft ''?y'‘The'^l^^^öltj !S#?fr|iic8f!|h%. rlr&’ Rod fi- fsr Tor^afd.r !Séè
c gj^' The tinfcV by 'Whicff^thé1 SiMH|Abö!t dfld"'iPod Rod is dtkwnforward.
Se&Tlffie^i, Pig*;!-. «<
fu , ., > Tta-tiron pbé! I
|EKp? ' ‘ Tne paramat4 I . ^r-Ke'iMrciiiar Rim* f. J,~
S I 1, 1, lj " ‘ Thé^ïdhr'Arfh ^ wKicA*'th£' Ritri is fixed to the WindfMft
and attefeof the ^ail^. .SSS'rlatfki.
"^in^ïti^h’if'frtpfec; '1 The Aa-'frRat t ^ ^ ® ^ '^ e yPlafé t ,' Flg?s 1.
■■[W- T G, ’' ' 4,- ‘
yfh , Thë'iron Rod, that paffes through the'Windfhèft;;"1 *'
i,' i, ipi’,' ■“ Thè^Gardfiikl Arrrfsv®'!
. This Model waS examined by 'Rié' Committee "of Mechanics, wio Wêfé Sr
, opinibri1 • ihat ^'tfife Iiwëhtóï%£wMs 'Mill* kas; ‘Well ; ot !a ‘hóürify of Fifty
Pounds; to which Vefoiütldtjr bf ihdy ©an!rÜitteë *ffrë‘ S&tidty ‘agtPèfcf, ^'Uevetnbèf
<3 H A P.