[ j 59 f f f
Kj with its ftuds, or rollers/C, c, &c;
L, ; The Stampers*
{, fyj I The Gijide,-Rails of the Stampers.
d, d, &C. i The Shoes of the Stampers.
k, r , The Steel Springs, Jn the model, or, EiryPoles-at large.
e, e, &c. The Till^fsi which regulate theTprings.
<r ,, ,The Rail, to which O' -- ’ 3 ■ the; tilkrs are faftëned.
• h, It The Rail, to which the fprings are faftened.
f> A thin Plate of Iron, nailed to the rail fof the ends of the fprings f<$
pafs through,
This Mill -Was Invented by Mr. William Evers, of Swillingión, Hear Leedst
in Ypfkjkire, who ereéted öné of his new-confthi&ed -Mills in its full inagni-
tu'de,^ for Mr. John Turton, farmer, at Wragby% in the faidr county, where it
worked in pfefence of inany refpe&able gentlemen, farmers, and- others, who
figned a certificate of their apprbbatibn o f 'the utility* of the machiifei -(A
modëlloi ït; made ïa \ fc'ale óf-an inch and an half1 to atfobt,’ was-ptoddcdd
to the Society by Mi:. Evers for which he had a. bounty5 of fifty-pound's, and
thé fuifhërfum of ten guineas':fbr Kis- ïhddél, ^Riofti-was depdfitéd in the SS-
ciéty’siRepbfitory öf Agriculture, FèbVüdrj'ji,
c m A p. X V lil. ..
A Description and Explanation P E R A M BUL
A T O Ri
1 «-EtG,*i. A P la n o p th e Machine. >
A, r p H E Nave of the Perambulator, is made oft^ p ehcular pieces of
* •*- wood, eight inehes in diameter, and/one. inch, thick. On ,the;
.fide I f one of them, 'there are eleven coneent^icjgrooves;', th e ^ e r . ^as onlf
a plain, fmooth furface, ’ which is.laid over-th^gpooves, and failened thereto
with-three fcrews and nuts-uo;
B, B, B, The Screws and Nut§, ;With whith tdj^ grooved and the plain
part o f the-naye;are faftened together. . i § a; i-£yj -1
- which the, axis. G is in-'
ferted, -and faftened with/,the fcrew; and' nut- % j - ;
D *D,D, D, D, D, D, D, ©, D, D, rEleMen ,Spokesj one inch fquare at
theirfiiave .ends, which .ate driven tight into the grooves or mortifes in the