i W
C H A P. V.
A Defcriptton of Mr. W i i-d i a m W e s t Ca r t 'h’s H Y D R A U L I C
M A C H I N E , for railing Water out. o f Mines.
This Machine is reprefented as if cut through the middle* to Ihew the Piftons
and-Valves.-.',? ,j> -- to -
t I G. i*
A, A, A, A, n p H E four Polls, on which the beam and quarter-heads X . are fupported, are eigjit feet long, three inches and; a
fourth broad, and an inch thick, tenanted into the Sills. .
B, B, The Sills, into which the Polls A, A, are mortifedy are: one foot
ten inches long, three inches broad, and an inch thick.
G, A Ciftern, that reprefents/the Well, or bottom qf .the Mine, from
from whence the water is pumped up into' the trunk, or channel, that^eonveys the
water out of the Mine.'
■ D, The Box,- or trunk:^>f the Pump* fixCjnches „lquare, haring- a valve,
two inches and a half fquare, and half an inqh||mek.
E, The Aperture, or water paflage through the Box. <A
F, A brafs Pump-barrel, two feet long, -and^three* inches and a half dia-
meter ; its infide cavity two inches and a half-.’,
, G, , ( The Piftqn cf the Pump, jtBat, raifes the waiter feofti^the bottom df'tfe
Mine, made fit to the infide cavity of the Pump-fiatrel,
H, ^ The Shut, or Trunk, lhat conveys the water fromfthe Pump tro. tnc
I, One of the Crols-rails, that - fupports th(e trough that receives .the water
which defcends from the top of the Mine,'- aijd -alfo the water^thafe- is railed from
the bottom of it, and conveys it into the channel: this Rail is one foot; nine
inches and three fourths long from Ihoulder to Ihoulder, three jnfches broad, and
two thick, and is halved into the upright polls one foot four,inches hjgh from
their under ends, to the under edge of the Rails.
K* E ,A,-Brace,'let into the upright Polls, .four feet fevep inphes high,from,
thpir.,under ends,to fallen them from Ihoulder to Ihoulder this Bracers one {qqfe
nine inches and 'three fourths long, two inches and a half broad, and an .inch
L, One of the Rails, that fupport the Trough, or Dam-head: this Rail is
one foot nine inches long from Ihoulder to Ihoulder, three inches and one fourth
broad* -and two inches thick.
M, The Trough,- or Dam-head, that receives- the water from the rivulet
at the top of the Mine, and by which the Machine is worked 1 this Trough is
one foot fix- inches long, one foot two inches broad, and feven inches deep, all
, m b