I 26 ]
and upper furföcé Of this Snare & fixed a Bracket, feft inches joftg, five inches
and a half broad, and te méh aftd A hdffoifcK, tó \frhith the comb is fixed with
wood-fcrews and an irofi fratftè, fii the thapé bf à half fikple : in the fide *offoe
ihaftj one roo t and fevên inches aifttet froîii its rare' tea, is a moftife, one toot
iercn inches long, and halffo' men brÖafo öée Plates 2 ahd 3.
T, An ujoS Bolt, three mfcnes Ipng, and three eighth's of ah iftch thick:
this Bolt is ianened to the fide or thë xrobgu, ' threé Kte'lefreft uiçîies ahd a half
diftant from the back fide pf the circular Fence-board ; and, paflihg through the
mörtifë in the Slidingnhaff, fêr\^'tQ ^ ia e ‘teè ^iaft in' its proper tfoleatehy having
à threw, nut,, and walhefe pfi ïts öutër 'énd, tö keep the Shaft from Cdniiilg off.
U, An iron Arm, three xnches and feveA tWèlfths long from itsfhoülderât
the Plate, tö which it is rivettfed, to its outer end' : this AïïöffoïSI'a Socket;' ófte
inch and an eighth diaméterj ölïtfide meafürë, to tëcèivfe the back^lpindle
.ate G: the Plate of the_Arm is let in flufh with the fide of th e^ d u gh , an4
is rattened thereto with wóod-fcrews. Seé Plates 2 and 3 .
W, fy , Two iron Racks, each two fret long, and an inch anà dhe fourth
broad, and fore^dghths of‘ah inch thick'i 'thbtó'Kacks are faffèned together^ ,,at
the difiance ofan inch and four twelfths from each other, by an iron Arm ‘at
( each end : the inner edges of thefe Racks are' cfit into diagonal ‘teeth, tö fit the
wprm^or ipiral fcrew X'z the inner Sack is fèé in flulh with the fthder fide of the
Sliding-fiiaft S, as far back as the teeth, and is fattened thereto with wood-
X, The Worm, or fpiral Screw, two iMclel long, and an inch àftà a half
diameter: as this Worm revolves, it brings,forward the rack, flidjng-filaft, comb,
and ftraw.
V, An iton Flâtè, in thé îofth of a half ftkple, as before mentioned : Its
upper Ârîn is tee foot long, aft inch and à hàff bröad, and one fourth of an inch
thick, and is fattened tö the föfre fide of the ' cofab wfth Wöód-fGrëWS' : the pet-
pendiciilar arm of this Plate is fcrewed to the fore end ofThe Bracket and-filïdïhg-
ïhaft S : its under end is rounded off to three eighths b f ‘te iiich diameter.
' 7 z>' An iróh Brace, eight inches and three fonrite lting, and three eighths
óf an inch diameter, flatted at each end, and fattened with Woöd-fcrews to the
Bracket and the hack fifië of the comb. Seé Plâte ai
‘â, An iron Àrfti, or Drift, one foot fôfrtt intheS long, one foot two inches
broàa, âiid One fourth Of an iftcb thick : Ae foffè end of this Arm is rounded
‘cfffijfrififrheHn fengfo to three eighths óf t e ifrcfr thick ; the ’bank end ‘edit has a
wooden handje on; it : this Drift is fattened, in a mortife a-crofs the fore end of a
Sfidltfg-bar, which is thrtfe feet long, two inches and a half broad, and two
inches thick, and Hides in aft aperture in the bottom ö f the Trough»
ti, The Sliding, board, on which the ftraw is pût, aftd gradually brought
forward to he 'Cut :' this Board is fifre feet eïèveh ftxfches long, aftd one fourth of
an inch thick.^ it is laid on the bottom of the Trough, and fattened With wood-
fefefrfs t e éK| Slidiftg-board :' tee ftftder end ‘ö f thé Atm T bearing againft thç^-
fore end t>f the Drift a, the ter ted board are brought forward as the Rack, &c.
advances. See Plates 2 and 3.
£ ;
C «7 ]} ,
} t} -Cj Thé fidas .of the Trough, fix feet and one inch long, eleven inches
hroadjCteds t%eefourths of an-incl^thick i ift the fore ends pf foe tees, clofe behind
the ciienlaf F e scd^ rfo M é M m É mortifes forough the
I K ramwrf the Trough, through which the fide arms of foe Prefler pa6j t0 *UP-
»oit tteTted^wtóght R. .. V . t
K ' d, “ \ The‘Fcftcc-board, two f e t anfoten-ioGbes high» for«» wee inches
broad, atid aa imk w t 'ar>liilf..lhiök, ■ fixed -agte* foe, fore pad frime of the
Trou^» ~’/ * ■ •-.■ t:'-' W ■ ■
e The c o n c te t lgR te , two ’feet feven. inches diametjer, utwo inches broad,
EtaÉ' forms a.'groove three fourths - of aftliinch , deep, iifcorguardj the.^point of the
i%flife, -to-prevent it fromhftrti&g ‘the perfo* that-works foe machine.
Three Fteee-bsards, fiste in a flant'ing pofidon,footefaefl:..the cut
J-ftraw‘iBto-the fieVe,1 ' - - - _ ', . . . .
brnte' a Guide-hoard, one foot tw® inches-long, % inchd»5and a halt broad,
and’one ftenli oi an w h ’fofck : f' W ^ the COnCeSttkk
' Rim kp te pfofrent foe euf-ftraw foonrf toatteteg rawer the top of'tee .fievey5
■ h, fc;The ^ieve", two feet'fevèn Inches 'hang, -one foot and two üches broad,
;teid-four öte^foeep. ' .. - , ,
*r A wooden ’ Frame, kvfrb fefet feven inches long,-one foot two inches
^ hrmd, -fafide meafere<: 'fhe dfepfo foi^ Fratee is iwot inches apd a half, and
f%ree foatfos o f te foA thick; tthr-tegh -each etete-teis'Frame k an Aon bolt,
‘ 0pe footfiye;inche|feg, ted one lour-th^ga^nch thick, prithta W a n d nut at
"m m m N o te^ h e .
f rk ‘ k Tbè i®\BraW#'V^ch'teppqrfete^d give-motion to the Frame 1:
f c é f ö Brackets ate 'tee’foot four %fttó'-lteg, te e inch hroad, aradfone fourth
W m M M M Ë Ë the lfore.ètes of th^ackets;t|te'up perpendicular two inches,
to rteeiite’-fo^fore'endsraf foe.Boks, o#wHicff-foe Frame a « , f o e b^ck arms o f
W m f t f o k ^ l r e eleven af / ° Ur
1 M H I thick : t « é arm'bf M M Ü one fourth long,
an inch broad, anyone four^;of,te ‘inch thick-1 f o ^ ^ # | f each arm forms .
a collar for foe Bitelsets to ,v ■
I" L 1 Two iron- Bolts. w M c » e Br^dkef turn : thele Bolts
are nine ™ M Ü I f A fong fr<te foueir / o r e d » fetebplders-againtt
which foe B i t e t s ^ r > l % . ^ ks are 7
5feted t t e o ^ foe fpm g s ï ^ r a m é three * > | h fiom’their under ends,
■ and areMentefoérëto wifo^lcrëws andkntfts.^ H M g
T k J i in ik 8. # - » ^ ' y th ■ B H InclM long,' a f f f o l r extreme I breadth 'and foickitefs two inches:
te e under end# H hind le^-s are two feet afondef i fo^r up^er enfo are fattened
t©teeJSdeofJtte Though w i f o f o o l t s , .
M M i Ê Ê È m or Stee, one W I Ê Ê $ Ë Ê Ë Ê Ë M iÊ
Moulder ,pf its H tVo inches « h a l f broad, ^ d y o th i c k : this-Rail is
iimteifteintotfoehited^,m m È M È § § § M Ê m i f t *, . . „ . fc
o ^ l e ^ p e f a & s R a ilPn which foe ^ack end of the Trough bears . it.