4 ■ '*?*; J
•j; • Tfafe J wh&flMal
feffbpinion that Mr. Sffjghold’s, Jad?{iS a*.VfefeyJingfefiiof4's^ons«>^feej andyfikes*
fy t o' anfwer thre pUrpdfes^tQnwhich'iiich xfttfEKinegv^cap])lild^'Ma:e e^ec-
refolved-,-*theS-efoSb, k& -recommend -tbi the-f Society5 fS- give-'rMr'.ioStagkklcU'.a;
bounty ,of ten guinea^,,liedelaying .thedfiqdei of., the fald' Jack with 4 fe%3l!sf-1
cietyafor theiolfe ,of'the ^ublio; Snddtefc^ifteas.'nibre ion? i h ill deliveries a
Jack,' at large,’-'tauthe Society:' to: which: refotettofcD-'ofiltke ,£aramat£es]£he
S ociety-agreed,.. ^January-cy, Styy
| Mu H .Am/P.- ; .XÏW'h
A^TDeJcrifition and 'Explanation,^ t^ R ev frem' Dr. H A t E ^ f Vfntpalpr. ^
Afierffie8w&Vfcwt$4he M a cniu z , with its Side laidwftm^tafonjfnr&wMsidel
-• •- I p g | . made t6'a'Sccd&}<sfi£/ie Aiioh.to jAFsoti'A \
A, / T ^ H E Palief,- -or .Midriff,-.Wr el%véji/dijjG;fes,'&pd;{t#o^^e^ftlis Ip^g,
1 five inches and a qjflprter broad,^.^ndi threè-eigbtJi?i;ofoa*rfi®gh»
thick, fattened with hinges to the-valve frame,-,' or jpar.tition,,'abeiwden,Lfih©.
outer land inner wind chefts K,R: - This. valve is '.Actuated by the horizontal
fevet B^-aód pénpéi^h^^^psfsrjod a$$oo
B, TheXever, fourt^ff inches long,. half'aïLirghhrqad, and-a-quarter
of fah inch thic^v-iThe diftanc.e frbm its-fulcrum,- oijcéiffèt pi®jEt0ytbe',êén-
ter of the .lifting rod, isfeveii inches and an half, and, f ro jn » vèn£ê^ to the
extremity of its handle, five inches three-fourths.
C, A Flat Brafs or Iroit lifting^Rod, fife inches Jöïigr h^f an" injeh
broad, and one-eighth-.of an inch thick, connected,, to. yhe-Je-yer, ^and t|ie
pallet* or midriff, .to ’khich it xs'fatténêil with two’" iron pins, This Rod
paffes through an 'aperture in the upper board, and Aiding valve, and wooden
cap fixed, thetoil..
D, An Q&agon Pott, three inches and an half long, and five-eighths of
an inch-thick,1 ereHSd 'on a traverfe fattened to the tipper’board of the intier
■ v^in'd" cheft. In the upper énd' of this Poft, thefé is a móftifé "frith a,{ fièle
E , ' A thin Brafs Slider, thrée-fpurths óf .an:inch lohg, , thfee^ei!ghths' rif1
ah' ihcRffroad^atïd hnedl&téëhth df &■ 'finch thick. This Valfe runs , in a