I 3 S J
fcjuare, framed into the Uffdef/Tniddlfc, and^pTails! the inner fidea -of the upper
Polls araptiovedfl^recejjmthe*outer fp^ k s of ^|S^%^p-whm^rc~
E, E|&c. - v*3Jhe Bracellof the middlSflgpfts: v^fe%races ar'e tenfceffi^e
inches long, one foot three inches broach Wd^eden^ches tf|ck, and a|e Ihoul-
defed into" the Rails B aridf C, and »thC* Polls Dj D.
R ’F y l^Phe.tdn Rail's <f ,fi$(pedeftal part o^fe^Mill^on which tlife gallery
bears: (hefe Rails areTnttefenfeet^levlhlo^ffomldhoulder toSu lde r | f
their tenons,,- and the fame bfeaafpand^Tmclmefs as’ the ’Rails' B and C.
> 1 GpG, ' Tbe^middle Pofts^ .ift tlS g g of-.the Mill: one o^ttefe-'fPolls -is
twenty-two feSt f and' - one int^hjiftong from the, Ihqurder^of its tenon, irdmed into
the top,-end Rail: thej<lher Poft4 twelv0 feet el@ n inc£<§ long, and botk' l f
them the dame Breadth and thickpefs^as the Polls A.
H, -SUSS The under end Rajjk, eighl|fot eleyea inchea-^aig, aqcUtlie
faftfe^bfeadftrand tbfckhefs usThe fid^ Rails B l-*
I, A. Rail, eight feet eleveninches-.long, ^ f ’ifpot three inches broadband
one foot and one inch thick, framed dgtp thej^^s,^ and G eight Feet thre'e'lnhhes
above the upper furface of the Rail II.
, .; K, ’ jt"! A Brae^\3iiha\ket?)elevla\. • and
thieknefs ^as t-heB^ces\E.
■ E, A Rail, eight Nfeet eleven inches ISS^Mc!' framed iri|a<fthe l lp fe^A
and G ten feet and eight inches above the Rail Bl
M, ’ A Bracei' eight feet and^airitltft'teHg. r~
' N, &c. The upper end Rails, the fame yimenflons'as |Re* Rails N.
. O, 0 , 0 , O, The Spop^beelsy by ,wshichv the water is raifed : -fheTe
Wheels are fifteen feet diameter-^ and ode'^effit ipdr inches broad |dnf thdff j^ggs^
■ having tVs?enty ,ladle-bp%ft% or buckets, by which the water
P, P, See. to .the height of the axis of the wheels. ,
P, P, 8cf: The Troughs, through which thp water isZ-faifed by the Wheels
0 ,0 , See. The outer: endf of tfiefe Tioyghs.jare'/eVen feet’three inches long,
and feven feet* three- inches deej>: the inner end forms a fegment of a circle, to
embrace the fides of tht Water-wheels r : thfeif fides- are'thiee feet broad.
Qj Q, Sec; Six Frames, in the form of the Rails and Poll B, C, D, E, to
fupport the lhafts of'the Water-wheels.
;U K, !P., The Tints bf the Bcbop-whMs, ohb ft»- nine inches long, and
one foot &we inches fquare, driven , tight on the ifon. fpindleS^tHrce^ftches dia-
■ 'S,"S, Twd'vertical Crown-Wheels,^ three feet -fdiSi' ihcli^'diainStcrj’^KkVih^
twenty"cogs in each: thefe Wheels ate fixed on the fron-itttttdle^6ft!fie*Sdodp-
wheels. See Plate 2.
T , ;‘l^ e ;^efpenditailaf Shaft of th^ hfiu r this SnilfrTs Ifiitty-one'Teef fix
inches long, one' fddt fix i&fcTOs d&niererat Its under erraj ana' phe^root;tWo
men*® at its upper end, haidng ah ifdti fpihdle at eadH eiid. - Nute1,' xnh uhder
fpindle turnsinabeam, one fddtthree inches fquare, framed inth1tfierTfon;s G, G,
with its upper fnifece even with' the Rail 1.
U, ' A Cfdkri‘'Wheei, three feettfhiir ’lh(Mfes 'dfahlSter, having Twenty'TOgs,
fixed dm the under end of the ShaftrT,' Which' gives todtion' td the Scddp-wheek
e-'Tg ' g i W, •iI A“Sf)ur