K, (jne1 of the ^ôk'et?I^4i WicS: the ;faWof~the Mnd Wheels /revues.
^eeftj?eïd e |^ iQ h 'IÎPlate i, Fîgr tp '
*ifâ?*hi The under :pa# of hW of thé TruriK^hat-cdh^eys the' beans^ into ihe
furrows. See ântf Plate 3f,lPig. -5. <
N, f TÊe hind Rail % i:the Plough*,‘ isu two ' feet and eleven-dfJehes 'lonjg .four
inches-broad.,'t;a;iid tW0/mç1k|§and "'three fourths thick1, ‘fixed ‘with dôùbldsitendns
tUxffie fide Raifs'|tbndhcbfediftaont .from their back end«.*-
O, ' Thfe hint? ffâe^the^Seéff-bhx, 'is 'twotfeetUnd tendhefe% longo eleven
iMBe|; ÉréaS; and ~ tÊrée ' fourths'’ o£'an iOdPtMriK, fattened to theJinfide of 'the
hind Rail N. h ^ ^ ^ h é r e ¥ a BoirS,' two feet and ten inches. tohg$' 'onelfoot:
tw6 inches “hrid^ HSÎT broad,' kndïKàîf -aip&ohkthick’j ffâttèned lb thehurider
edpshpf^he. fide Kails,1' mtddie arid hind Rail, with wooden-fcrews,^ makes the
bottom of the Se^b®%‘ ■ *
P, P, Thééntis qÎ thé "Seed-box, arc twelve jnêhes and three-'fourths Ipng
at trheir under edges, -where they%ear on tne fide Rails ; file inches and' a half
long,at thçir upper,edges, eight in^fe btpad,. Ænd half an ipch ^ c k .
R, R, R, R, Four Pactitions^hi'chdm^ into three M’lsl
- , S,. S, S, _ The "three Truhks,"'at the" hind fide op the Seed-box'-. nine inches
and a half Ipngjdour inches* and a half broad, and twro inc%s^d^p .at their upper
ends, and three inches bfoad, and, two,inches,deep a,t their under ends.’
T , An iron Slider, byydiich the quantity pf-beans are régula tea în'^he
Sills.„ *
U, The Refervoir^SeeiPlate_4, Rig. '3. q
X, The hind Wheels.
Y l Y, ; The f ïândleè. :
Z . 0ne,of- the ^riîpâles, . by which the plough is lifted to turn it abotit.' - '
A Geometrical Plan of'Ahe P l okbjs h.
. P L A T E III. jF 1 G. 5.
'* ÂV A, ' ‘^^he'"fitfe Rhils of the Ploüÿï.
B, Thë ‘fbife^enti Riaik '■
C, The middle Rail.
f f f i ) , Tbëïwà innef Rails.
E, E, The Sliders. to which the Axis of the fofe Wheel is conneâed. See
Plate i,*Tif: i. and Plate 2, Fig. 4P '
G, The foré Wheel.
H, - ‘î ’hi Iji^WfieeL- See-Platé i,5- Fig/^.cVi::
K, K," Thé ^rafcfets^ in which theAxisof the hind Wheels revolves. 'See
Pl^te Figi 4.
~ t , ' Thé iron Bolts’,' that fafteü the BrackeTto the 'fide Rails.
M, The under parts of the Truqks. '
N. Tiie hind Rail of the Plbugh. ' '
^ S,.S, S, TheTHhiki, that cohveÿ thé féed from thé refervoir into the cells.
U, * The feietVoiF, <?f Seed-bôJf' " ..... * *** A ” ' , -
W, W, The