i s i
in a lever .inner., fide of ..the Mill-frame ; the outer end of which turns on
'iiegfltcr-bolt in the. uppers effijafopne of the Hurft-pofts.
” ' The .by, which, the under- Levef and inner end of the
Bridgefetfree \jaTjrffed', rfo' the Mill-ftone ; this Lever is four feet
$5^^ ^ e^ (^ j'th r e e » iip e^M W ^ K ^ tWQ fogies‘thick ; its fore end forming
a Hanllcy|«her^ it is.actuated, having-an iron Rod, ten inches long, «VO
■ fllphesjl^roadji and, thwse ^ i'^W o f an inch thick, palling through a mortife in
its ba^k ppd^.the- lindy.^nCpiwhichjrams on a Bolt in the Under Lever. /
C H A P. II.
\A of" Mr. liE^^D s’ C Y D B R-rP R EiS:S.
P L A T J E I.
A P^fpeBUkieJ. ffietso^of,the P res's/i •
• ; a ,:
T H E ;Bed,1or»groyh'ellebfof/the1 Prefs : i f e fill is eleven,yfeet and
three' ifibKef.lpdfjJdw4;feet and ten inches broad,, andfix inches
B,'v strife, end Poft ofothe Prfefs i - this Poft,as/ten -fept,,^ two^inches long,
c x cm J p ^ ‘its|fofibnifi ' one foo% broad, afid .eight, inches .t^ick:, it is mortifed
pntd-the 5en‘*of|tIfeigrouhdfeC ‘havin|/itliupper^end ’r|fmded roff, and a mortife
through it;Ltwoifofetrlong,' and three,inches . broad ^ . the under end qf the mortife
is two feet and f e e inches /abpve the upper furfaqe of thp groundfel. .
■ iG,-: t^lie- B'olfter; of ithelfide-raiL: .| f e ^ l% r ,; is two feet . andinches
d o n g l e foot anithree inches, .broad," and threefirifchps, and one fourth foick : it
is fixed .bn thetgrpundfeh qhe|foot and ten inchqs,-from its. fore, end, fwith ftrong
■ 'tferews. - I i < ^ < ‘ r I
od'D tDl- The Side Rails: thefe R^ils.jare,.ten feet and mne inches long; hx
' finches fquar©S®tfe^dr back ^ds^ where they are^let jMito,the, Poft B ; and five
< fi»hes'fquare._nt-’.their fore'ends., , ,
E, Two Styles, three feet,and four inches lqng, three inches broad, and
;two ihches thick : thefe Styles areierefted on the Side-rails, three feet and fix foches
-diftant from the Poft B, and ftulh with their inner, edges, having eight, holes
^through them, to admit,an iron Rolt tofupport the->ack end,of, the Beam, while
‘th&apples,ate.putting on the Prefs. > \,- i -A. c-.r ,
p, F, « . .Two. Rafts, that form a Frame: with the .Styles and Polls, on which
fthe,Prefs-bdards are laid when they are not-in ufe. _
iv G, One bf the Prefs-boards, on,which the pulp bfthe apple is laid in horfe-
Jiair 'hags, or between layersj^ftraw s thefe,..Prefs-boards are one foot and nine
' inches long,, one foot and fix inches broad, and an inch and. a half thick.
H, .The'Bed:of the Prefs :?this .Bed is two feet and'five inches long, one
-fd.Qt.and eleven inches bfk'cl, and three inches thick, having a Groove or Chan-
Vol. 1I. 1 1 b C | * nel