| E ■ I i
G, The .front RaiLpf .thejhjnd j^zCTiagejFraipe,1iathree feet ,five inches
long,' (^rom moulder to moulder) ten inches broaa, and: five inches thick,;,
jj jt Two Sillsj-nine feet three inches long, ten inches broad, and five
inches thick ; their forgltpds a$f ^pvagpd^jaeijftg lu t up to an angle of thirty
degrees, in order to bring the line of tra&ion nearly parallel to the breaft of
the horfe: thefe^SSls HEe^Ir^aed’togethdr v&h* l»fhtee crofs rails G, Y, Y.
1, 1, 1, 1, Four Braces, tjjpo/feet nine inches long, three'inches and an
half broad, and two inches thick; thefe’-trades -are-m®s%fed4 fito thi! fills
H, H, and fattened with wood-fcrews to the two polls K, X.
K, K, - tw o flat «Softs, -«Wo feSt: ^leveM ^dhes'-and •afirJha^ feng,,|tirom
fhoulder itodhoiflder, ten*inchesf-feroad, and three inches-and -an-hah ‘thick ;
their under imds are mortifed intosthe fills, hve-feet ten 'iriches diftaiftTrom
itiheir back ends ; and -their upper ends into the -tfarfom dr'Brefs rail-ix. In
the under ends jpf each of thefe Potts,ithereds dffl aperttire'of long &ortS8,J-to
revive «he fhort fliding-bloeks-V, V'. See-Fig. i and 4.
< s I ,r, 'The Tractfom, or ctols-’Railjds ten indhes
broad, and three ioehes thick,; this Rail prqje&shbout four inches* ibVer the
polls, in order to be, taken off/and on the more readily, .whenever-the axis,
■ aims, handles, &c. of; the ftoppers M, N. O. P, want to be repaired .or j l -
M, M, The Arms of the Stoppers, are thirteen incheslong,. feverr i’nches
and three quarters broad, -and two-inches and an half thick. In the'jufider
edge of thefe Arms there are two angular teeth, or notches, like the teeth of
a ratchet-yhcel; thefe teeth fall lqofely 'into i3ie i^uaije holes in the upper
end of the'ttiovel or pan Z, aria bccafioifally ttops it, “ when the workman
preffes down the handle O, P, &c.
N, The 'W'ooden Axis.of the Stopper, whqfe pilots tprn in the upper
ends of the flat' pofts H, H,
O, A round Rail, or Handle, with which the ftoppers or notched arms
1 are preffed down into the fquare holes in the upper end of the {hotel Z.* ...
P, P, Two Trundles, one. foot, fiye inches long, and one irich and an
half in diameter, with which the under rail is corineSted to the handle, or
Q, The under Rail o f the Stopper, is .two feet eleven inches 'l6h|a£ fodr
inches broad, and three Inches thick ; this Rail, w ith th e trundles and
'handles^ aid fattened to the Stopper of notphed arms, as represented in
% • *> 3* • B M B
R, R, The hind Wheels, .are pne foot five'mqhes.ih^iameter, and' three
ift<$K&S thick* dfl their pefiphejry. '
51 ^ ^ ^^kMancefe, of Flbo'r, is three feet nine inches, byjoiju: feet'three
inches, on which the man ftands to work the machine.
T , The
[ % I
T, The Wooden Bar, which Supports' the ffiovel, is four Feet three
inches- dong,ifeveri MCcbêSshröad, and three inches thick ; its tenons pafs
loofely through the long mortifies-in the fides o f thfe fills, arid are Occafidnally
fixed with wpodenc wedges nearer of further from the {hovel/ to regulate its
angle Of inclination. \ ,
I T w o Iron Frames, of' Qmdrants, partly indicated by the dotted
lines on the fide of the fill quadrants afe welded to the ends of the
iiron axis X, and fattened with woodTcrev^s tp fhé fidps of thcifiiovet z and
may eafily be fet further-or nearer to thé pointy of Jthg as {hall be found
moft convenient, to throw ttyp wqigfy:'of earth nearer pr further thé center óf
. V , ' ¥ f T w o Woodep Blocks, feven inphes,long,-.and fqqr inches Tquare;
their ends afe iridented, and properly fitted to the pivots ó f the if0.n axis X,
which they embrace in the manner -réprêfènted in i ’ anS.3. ..-Tlbe fides
of thefe Blocks are rabbeted, and properly fitted to'the. apertures in the polls
K, K, in which they mofye freelyT up^pnd.jdow^n, and are fixed to a proper
height by the iron pins {hewn at X, b^. which- the, 'feóvël- is' fet deepèr of
Ifiallowcr iptqtlps ground, its axis kvïlöadiqg;^d.unloadings
W , - A Wooden Shovel, whpfe-bottom is two feet ‘five .inches and ait
halfdqqarp,. jp§4© m^fq«§iaftd &b®^itWo.: in^é?-thick ifs u’mefer end is Ihod
with Heel; its upper cpd Z, is -a; piece of board, three -.feet long, thirteen
ipefigs hrpad, '.aid; toys inebfp -tfilck, 'fattened at right- angles: to fchp hot*
tom, tq'wjüch the angular fides ^rg; aife (.fattened, as repréfented in Fig. a.-
.. ■ 1 ,■ -N. B, Thk feovel cpiataihs about one garden-cart füB of eartfe
; X» The Irpn Axis o f the SliQKfd, is three feet five , inches loQg, from
feoulder to fhoulder, and one inch and an half fquare. The piyots of fhis
axis turn i® the two- Ihoft block? V, V, which are failed or deprefied by flfift-
ing the iron pins, as hefore-mcnthon.ed.
Y , Y , Two Rails,' three feet five inches long, (iriifidè meafure.) eight
inches broad, and four inches thick, mortified into the fills H, H.
Z, The upper End of the Shovel, i$ a.piece of board three feet long,
thirteen inches broad, and two inches thick, as hefore-nientioned; >at each
end of this board, there are three fquare holes, to which the teeth or notches
of the. arms M, M, are loofely fitted, and occafionally inferted to keep the
{hovel in a proper pofition.
■: 'F I G g Ï R E II.
r-U, U, Two Iron Frames, or Quadrants, fattened to the iron axis, and
the fides of the {hovel.
X , The