Vo 1
6Jfaeuhy dt/m .
c m 1
>G, J -An Iron Spihdfe, or Axis*. two feët two inches long, and feven-
'èightbs of im iiftsh an diaanètefo; the knife (and bl'pek of wood being fixed
tre-iint' dpiidlfyo^ob^-teridL it ;vfcfeem; the machine is rit work. To this
fpindle is feted -xaifijr.' the IJércajv. ®ij %ifcal' tooth 8* and the ihnrt iron liftkg-
& Ï -"'[uA. anflggbtft jFqifcrigfeBèard, t#o feet ten inches, in. dimeter* with its
aiarièrutrfe | fiïm;: ft $o£K* 3Fi|p-, 2U: s u
■ 3£, : . A Windii!' iSee i l g . '!■ • fi
: ;F#: - . A'Troaghfj wherein the ftraw or ha.y,i$ l&idto-be pütf, its? length is
fenix: feqt'fphe dep®ten-tmches,,£&d breadth''teh inched ajid; aft half (infid£
f,!G^ ' A Lead W-eaght. AteTigi. .2. - !
ü j A Fdetkarj ? ot Bfedk of Wood* ten > inches long, .{exelufiye; of its
liaaadie) which pisjedbs tenincfai^bifebthe /fideiof' the trou^h/fh^e i®<ihep and
a qtaroer btoad^iahèohe^mch thhA.r/SnIfhisr;blQéh:thet? are fixecLfiv^ iron
Tpikes, or t;apej^*fifi%s'i whofedè^t^^om1 th&,ooin||pto the 'under fide of
the block is fix inches,- aridj thrEefeighths'.of. an-kick: "femare at their upper"
;bfids or fliouidek-s.:> when* tlfel-ftrarikd^ pm|)éAf^pl3!eeA!;iifc the^fipough, this
fpaked feeder i f jcawiedibaok'to th e èndof the-,trough,Stid} forced with- the
hand into fh^ftraw, w h i r l s TjEougfif. forward 'Vtf* every revokatipn Lof the
winch 1 the length- trf craef tpbth o f theifaofc ]5fi! and \yhen;$he
rack i{s drawn forward* quibe to the " fore end Of the trough* the; fpiked
feeder is then to. be lifted rip, carried hack, and fc^edr: into $he ftraw* as
1, An iron Bolt, one foot five inches long* feyefi-eighthsre^ jan inch
broad, and three-eighths of an inch - thfefc ontflhift hplti-i§-fafterusd’ with
feriews to the front of tlie feeder, and projt^hig pne; iHch e.yer ,the fidc of
the trough, ' is conriêftedftö thg hpri?<pHtgl » ■ EÏÏB&jtlit[a|fb(£jjrna
plate ferewed to its upper edge,, arid- turned up >stt_-'E^tr (mglq8 ;to Jpfe faid
fhaft; at the upper end of this pkffe thereris an aperture, or fquare hole, to
receive and diredfc the, iron boft fafketied to the ffont'qf-the feeder.
K, A/cpoeggjfillf Rim* fattened to jthetfeficedjoard D,'ietitf^qrth inthe
explanation o^Fjg. 2.
\-3Ej1' A bended Ifoti, whieh fufiaias the lead ireigh&.fK forfcfe SJPre particularly
jn the explanation of Fig.
M, "‘TEfie ifeqdl# o^êle fêe^^'^Mcïf, % béfofé-ióéntionêd, ferveS to
lift up. ^nc^fcafry back ^ ^ foeder-Hi’ fliaft I, and rath R, -Y.
O, The enfraB^pS^ K. ; See-Rig. 2.':-';" -
P, A Carriage Wheel nineteen inches diameter, and two inches broad
I on ilfcperiphery.
" J The ètahd, ‘Öf ïïamc of thé "hfaehïnei thé rails atrd leg$ are two
feckes an half by one inch arid feven-eighths; their-fetgfh fféiri the
gi'öurid to' the bottom of the trough^ is t\Vo feet feven inches.
R, Ari