I m ]
G, G, Two Coulters, of the fame dimenfions as the.forfoer, inferted* into
the fore enidstóf the Wings, or Cheeks, two feet ten-inches and a fasjfdmant from
the back end of' the Team,' and,fouf inches and a half from the fides of it K
the infides of the. .{hanks , of the .Coulterf: ‘a
H, éiea-'Ètt the'&Ks è$the
I, I, The two fide Rails, four feet ten inches and a half long, two* feches
and three fourths broad, and two inches..thick.
K, -The hind Tong,j or Tenon, one foot two inches &nd"#h>Jf janfi, two
inches and three fourths broad, and an j inch.-thfok h infected- foto sheffde", Rails
three' inches and a half from their back ends,, and, thjt-qugji the Beampthirtcen
inches and a half from its fore end. ,
L, A Tong, or Tefionj one rfoot two jngta* and ajjs^fjjopg, ^tiYofojrhes
and three fourths broad, and art inch thick, foferted tfoongh|theftde Railsjj -and
the Beam fix inches and three fourths diftant from thé Tong -!£•
M, The fore Tong, or Tug^rSrlyj by w lic tfh e inftrumént. drawn gjfithis
Tong is one foot two inches and- a half long"; its extreme breadth three inches
and a half; the breadth at its encTtwo inches and a half/ ahd an^ifaplTthTc|7r inferted
foto the fide Rails two inches and a kalf behind tMir^fot-c cnclsgs^'
N, A hole in the middle of the:foreflTong^ two inches from its fore ‘edge,
to rocefoe the .iron hook, by which it i|p|uwn^?
O, O, Two dove-tail Sliders, onfe fodt1 long; three inches broad,'and an
inch thick, inferted Into the infide of the “fide Rails, ‘one Toot lfoa éigfiep&ehes
from their fore ends: the inner fides of the Aiders are cc«€red; wifh 'pl4te*w0|i| #
receive the pivots of the Axis-wheel P, by which the Wheel iaiaifed* pfc.d%refTed.
according to the depth to be fcarified.
P5 The fore Wheel, two feet and. fixi-inches diameter, and two inches,and
one fourth on the circitmfcrencc.
<^. The Bind Axle-tree, eleven inches' and a half kaag from <-fopu!4 er po
fhoulder, and two inches and three fourths fqnare^
R, The Poft, on which the back; end of tfo Searificator is .foppottgdj |i«
fevcn inches long from fhoaMer to fhoulder, and two inches- and three fourths
S, S, The two hind Wheels are nine, inches and a half diameter,1 and two
inches on-the rim of the wheel;
This iaftfument was prefented to the Society by Mr. yohn-Wim Baker,\April
8, tyéy i a