yet delineated ; and of courfe have not their defcriptions afiilted bvWigns on
' copper-plaies^-
Book ihé third, contains^ Lift of the Npblemen and Gentlemen, vho^?for,
tl^eir diftinguifhedTeryicteVin"promoting the yiçws'of the Society,' hdvevbtcn.
prefented with honorary or peculiarly premiums,. for improvements and'difo
coveries in Agriculture and Hufbandry.
r ^ o ^ jo u r th ^ th andfitfih, cqifipréftlnd the hKefdefigns, 4^ rlp lioh s@ d
:^!Wwtions^<^|ruchg>f thë^Societys ^„chines andlnodéls," JTfelate to ML.
nufariures: the fourth containing Juch as /are ^delineated -00.1 Gôpper-ÿlâtes ;
the fifih ' thofe-hot yet delineated ;'-an<l the/^X an ^ci 11 i 1 n "riif-.*1]
miums' and bounties, given by the Society, for employing th,e"J]^r in pariflx
and. .for., improvements in various branches ohrnîj«üfâ®?ürè,Tp
exemplified in ’the, -T'aide pf0Cont-ents. \ fj
Book, the fiven tfjand,r&gfcth.treat of IV^EpHANigsi, and.Gpntafobdefigns^and
defcriptionsrqf various machines’and engines,,.çoÿtpyed andf imprawad^for
m e c h ^ ^ g™ ^ ^ , t;^n^Qn|thefe,apes
Cranes, Weaving-Engine^ Hydraulic Machinps^ V en tija^ f^ ^ ith many
others ^ together w^th a particular Explanation of t f e Apparatus'died?Boothe
Dutch in the ’T'urbot and Cod Fifliery.^.,
Thé Remainder of the j r dent W um ’e Vclatfes to L héin i 1 t r y f^ ^ i i id h i e s ,
in America ; andthe Polite Arts: for tne particulars of. /.which the Readier is
referred to thç fpllowing Table of-.Contenta.; ,1.
C O N T E N T S.
' B O 0 K '*f I.
A q R I G: :::U0!.; L T
M Ç JR E -H.EjM D I,»fi
Definitions;.aW ^xplum tfoW ^àf^èjM l mêù^Wfiand.ImfiÙm'èntslof Hufbandry,
A rfPsfimtedm theÆ d^^-flates'ÿherfin nntfpvrj
1! :C ^HihAaLR, t m
.Defcripthan X j Page 1
■ 8f 'H • 'A ^ P * 1 1 .’
Defcription 6 f M a k i n s ’s c'oWri^rain plough, ' ‘ - 4
'0 H A ’1 P. ' III.
Defcription of Mr. Gee^s plough^ witk’fix fhares; and coulters, • 8
C H A P. , IV.
^efcriptiorl pf Mr.,Dpe.ket’s .three furrowplough, % .--
C H A , P. R S g S
Defcription A M r Ducket’s dfen’chingplough, •>j 16
,, ; C. H A
De^^plil|||>f Mr. ^Willey’s drill plough, / ^ _ *9
•i rC 'd i a i S v J v i i . p
D4 » on of the Rev. Mr.' H%ett4 ftorfe hoe and harrow, 23