, N. B. This Plough was firft drawnby fix hor&s/'ibut as the-’ground \vas h
little;ftony at-thehottom, it-was fiound^neceflaryitohdd. two horfes more,
with which a compleat'ditch or drain waynade, /dije .Hundred and fifty yards
long, in three ininutes: the drain was $]}irteen-finches deep;. twenty inches
broad at the top, and ten iiiches broad the'bottom. •
g j j | h A ^ B i a ii.
Ji^efpriptionof Mr. M ax in s ’s Covered D R A I N - P L O U G H .
• FidSii. perfjteElweView, of • the^Pi. o p g,h. ^
j\} ifnf^HÖE Beam ; its extreme length is fev'en feet,.four inches^ its breadth,
/~at‘ the .fore-lhare Jbrace, is eight iridrheS ;r and three inches and
three quarters thick: the fore end of the beam is arched,' and pïerced through
with fmall holes to receive ah'iron pin ; by which piii the bridle and its tugg-
chain, &c. are elevated or deprelfed, and'fet to the ^propereft degrèg5 of elevation
för drawing to the bell advantage, and regulatidg|ll%|depfeh of the
furrow; alfo for lifting the f>oipt êf fthë lhare out of the .ground whenbhh
Plough is not immediately in ufe, and requires -to be moved from "one'place tp
another. 7* *
B, The Sheat,.is three fëèt long (including its'lehon) eight inches brpad,
anti two inches ahd’an half thick, -'inclining t'o tHe hohizonfifty degrees.
C, An hon'Bire&ing* Plate; fattened to" the beam with anflt-headed iron
bolt, and feathered key;-"or wedgfe; and to the lhank of' ttó J'fiiWe; with an
iron rivet or fcrew, inclining to the horizoit fifty degrees. In the middle of
this'plate there is a long mortife or aperture, which ferves'to dir eft and Heady
the ^ e end qf’^he móvéable mould boardi '
D, A coftdave iron Breaft Plate, whofe'upper CM is fattened to the beafh,
with a flat-headed iron bolt' and feathered k ë y its under endis weldèd!'tó the
lhare, gradually diminilhing towards its point: the Breaft Plate is^ffet to an
angle of fifty degrees, "aond'fixed i i an oblique diredion, .thé better to thwfw
off-' the mould as it arifes thereon'«1-'
P H Ü A round iron Bolt, thfed quarters of aft inch diameter, which paffes
obliquely through the beam, and the undér end of the fheat ;Ljtts'üfe is to
ftrengthen arid fteadythe Iheat.
F, A flat iron Brace; 'itk under endfs «vetted tn a thin iron plate at the
back fide o‘f end to the'left fidé of the beam, and
fattened therétd-ivitfta round iron: holt andfcfew: this Brafce ferves to diredt
and Heady the'terë end of the moveable mould-board at the -left fide of the
Plough. See Fig. 2.
G, Aflat