l m 1 '
tKe coafts of the Britifli Channel, in thé months of April, May, June, &c»
theqahchdrs, &c. maybe made by ftngliQtlworkmen*: f
C H * A f t VIII.
^dB/ffaiption and duxpjangtfrij^ of Jlfe-j iW i.yLji-A- m jB a I l,e Y| | M A .f H IN ft
&ifor Byrtftg-fuget Mof\ Qfdders,
'^sSfmmc n ‘ C 'ajpienU r ‘,' J l , Vf'/'il-zLrtyffn, and Punip* makers,^ apd ,alfo
3i0 h Ihrwg J&t° f f e 'l$4fST$kf
V L;A T E shea ;;F I |pr j ,t; jj,
; ‘Th.y>'ir^>}fmry^dU:j gf.
£ \ . ahS^ofielmch and .an'half thicwS^p
i .fB iIA Triable,. fe^W to.ft,: the fp&dle bf
ihe^wadferlx ‘THfe au’ger"i^fe^i|d''itcK't;he W©MiUy yeffinVThfe foot lightly
on>'tliSor'e.eiid~'of the| l | i ifleV its^ftife endj'iBoatMH^^'rlhffil:ieikqaai&
'ot forhe ‘6flief^Br^SrBW miftS- Vt Ft'd draw back the
g a u g e r S f is t a k e n p f 0 ? ^ n d ’: ^
K^G, I fS ? *%,,■ I--J^ r .CTir\cedf»^e&g- of V?6s©.4', .which Jerve to ftrengtHM
D i',iD a. . ‘ ...................
■ *' I )1! D 2, !l.T;Vd irifoWefft^ihe^ A-!: their extreme length
Is C iiJ v e rm c ill 1 ? ^ ® ! e^a?B^ad’th‘*p|e ■ iftdh4 n#ia'1Kalf, thicknefs
three IpaftSrs «Fan -inch* s '"' ' ' r V’ * ’ . „ , * , •
B '-Ah lfo& Spindle, fiyetted'to the udder’ dnd'foFMe brals waaler F ;
with thV'v^ddlet F? IT a^foiterdby^he'-gea^B.' |
' F, '^ h 'eW adle r, with1 it!s ekf^'s, :%>ring, fe e A, And pu'Ufe, '(fee Fig. 2*.)
K a f e t e t f b f g j j l y B y ^ iS h means the
line K, being fafMedHd i * e ; wicdfe b f^ i l^ e fe f^ ^ dm ^ ^ fe fw a td the
auger V ? w ilh^ Jb aft Q^and M a g e frame f t P ; the fhaf^paWgldofe^r
through’th^So'^nrwheel'S-*** f t . " 1 ’ y ,( » f t s■ , "V f f t ~
G, The Preffer,?^pfifts df t\\ o? fla6y^&js\o^4fon, fdfehM .together
w i t h ^ W n t^ F V A ^ . f e 10dg*''<6 fyn# | ilM e ;'is ftfehed; to The%adler F,
W i t f rW ^ M ^ "MTgitifder^nd'of the flfort, ot
^rpoycable p l a t & a p ^ ^ | d r op«a®n§, “for § frrM'fteel fpring,
Vfe^|’;fiie%^%{ien^he%^ # f t - e Pf&ffef, arid lohfeti the line, when the
machine?iy4 d#ie^€t'?ff&iSfc>^^egree td anotherilyi
fft ' A