[ *94 3
B O O K I X .
Honorary‘ and Pecuniary Premium gibeh fo r ' dtvëh JtHcter in
C H E M. I s ’ f*,%Y.
Honorary Premiums.
f § m 'T T 'O thë RW, Mï\-Janed Elfoet) fop proéaciiïg maUeable iycn from
X American blade land, agold medal.
ïf&&. T ö Mr. Samuel Bowen, of Georgia,. for hts lirfefot (fofervattiofaa-m
China* arid induflrious application of them in Georgia, a..gdld medal.
Tér Robert Doffie, Efq. for effectually aiding- to eftablifothe manufacture
of.pqtiafk, in North America, a gold medal.
- To Dr. .William Lewis, M. B. F. R. S. for his’, method of allaying pot-afo,
a gold medal. -
in&u^ To Mr. Phillippo (an Aliatic) for introducing the Eaflprh dyes.’of
leather, a gold medal.
1769.. Tó Mr. James Inglifb, for cultivating rhubarb'in England* a gold
• -viii^Jis&To Dr. James Móuntfey, for introducing thei’frue rhubarb feed} a
gold medal
To Ifaac Jeminfedu,. E%. for h&zeM to pfcSnote *the Views1 of the Society,
a. gold medal.
Pecuniary Premiumsi
,f *755« To Mr. Beauchamp, of Truro, in Cornwall, , a premium, for cobalt
from a Britifh mine, thirty pounds. -
i 758/ To Mr. Jacob Hagan, jun. a premium for making one hundred
Weight of verdigrife, twenty pounds.
175,9. To'Mr. Herbert'Chambers, a premium, for improvements in ftain-
ing marble; ten pounds.
To Jean Sifferthya premium, for making crucibles in England, thirty
pounds. >
I m I
To Efosfy Rdfo^H'ds, qpp^jufq, fof making earthed petorts^ iiyenty
i>76|^| To Mw w r a am 1 White,^/«a^remium, for making crucibles, .thirty
To Robert Doffie, Efq. a premium, for difeoyering the procelfes for edul-
(jj^g^ing train oil, one hundred pooddfr
To Mid;-*— -TuiuKtu^ a ptemium, for myrtle Wax,,thirty pounds.
To.M'i. John ATj]tonj#a‘ premium, for dicing cotton yarn Turkey reefi
fifb 4M')und->.
itTTo Xfr. Ymuony Racing" a pit mum, for m’yr&Wax, twenty pounds»
To Mr. J.ac&lfLu'berick, a bdunty/'fof making of crucibles in Eng-*
land, YweO|^^KjiouifKb/
HkB q Mr. David- Creagh, a'bounty, for improyertf ents in Papin’s digefter,
iJiu u -oik. pounds, ten ihdlmgs.
^■ »7 (1 $8^To®Jol'if'MBr?ddley’' pMunif fdt making vefdigrife,> fifty";
Mounds, ,
I P T of Mr. -TeM. Monk, a premium, for'flaking varnifh to present ffoel or
ir.on iiom luffing vfiijfjl in anulacduring, t\VLn‘t"^pdufrefs. "
v* To Mrr-SC^Beh' Bedford, 'pdrbof a 'premium, for jmfking varnifh, fifteen
• 17',6^ isTo 'Mr. IfichoMs Crifffi) otjBow Churchwards tendon, for making
zaffysrand fmalt from Englifo^cobalt, fifty bouft!dk| *
T^Mrf. EdW^rd4 Car Be,r, W 'fob®ute for “Borax, thirty-one
J'mn Brindley, ^|.^. a 1 for vdfdlgrife, sfohe . hundred
g g T o ’Mrs. Panw..’Tor ex-traCting oil%ofwfdllamum ''f^d, one pound one foil,
i & T o Mr. Jefcini tfoTnmift, of1 Virginia, a hquidy'fo'r - making‘ falfe-petfe in
I'^kmerica, fiftyi popnds1.,
llll’To Mr. Simon Spurret,.of Iflewortli, jMiddlefex, .for tlie ihyeptiori,of dyeing
cottqn yarn Turkey fe,d, ofie hundred pounds. ,r
To Mr. Humphrey Jackfoq, a premium, for dyeingsgqiton qr linen
yarn green,. twenty p©|sids. -
|||T p Mr. Jacob Ldhenck/for ’ making crucibles, in England, -fifty pounds.
Mr. John,tGriffell,a-preirdum,ifqfjdyqing hafmiyarnyellow, forty
'pounds. -
To, Mr. John Griffell, a premium, .for,,dyeing linen yarn green, twenty