O, ■ The vertical Crownrwh'èel, fixed on the Shaft P of the Scoop-wheel.
P, "jThe Shaft of? tll|'§coop-wheel.
' R, jSlfejffi.in, /ha^lmhraeBfefhe buter fide of the S^oop-wheelj.and prevents
thè ■ water- from^'InhlMg
f'. S, The tfpper end of the Shaft,,M.
H p I l^ 'The Gro&n-wlicd, th ft Situates the 'fia6Ö^-,i0ft. %e Windfhaft
U, jfpli© Wind-fhaft, fet to an angle ofTohrteen' degrees with th© horizon.
; P L A T S III. F I G . >; ifc.’
A, A, fee* "■ -'Thé t o * # # ths.'MBttÜ'.efe^r./
- B, B, &c. -Thè SfUè'pf ïfeè Mll.
- C, The principal ’Pofts-i ’
■ E, Ë, &e. The under ‘tót of Rails.
F, F, T h e f f i port -ffie Rails ■ Ë and fi;
G , H, Thè -erbf# Rails, fixed on thè Rails E, to fiipport the Trüiik M.
P, The Shaft of the Scoop-whsel.
’ 7 The Scoop-Wheel. * ” ' - ' ’ ■*
R, The Wall, .that, embracing the ..outer file^ f the Scóop-whedl &fflls
a channel fIFthe water, which is'railed three feet in 'hêight by thè revolution
of the Scobp-wfied: < M ’Y ' ' 1 ^ \ Si '
j! §} Tfié Wallower, fixed fin the tipper end óf thé Shaft M.
T ,1 The vértièa’1 Crown-whéély fixed ©n thé WiS^-Èaft.
Ü, The Wind-fliaft.
X, X, &c. , 'iFjie Skils.
Thefe Mills -were prefented tb.the 8odety by Mf« 0 * l 7$f^
C H A P ,