B Ï 3
- G 3» Tfce- iron 'Spindle; on wKrch--tfite ' S^uf--wEeel f e C af-e
4 ® : this-Spinéle is -doven iüchfes--long,' exckfive arms, and-five bighths
' öfi*ii‘&dh dkmëtept ‘it fcTurpe&Öed&f its > opper'pta#, which* ;pafling t te% h ‘
tte' ifon-Frame H, the end of' its'is made insb? a fcreW, 'which Mas an itómnütS
turned ïight tMfereoHi -oti whtchitf'reyolves.- BeëTigKj.^Uhd 4.
- H The iron Frame, on' which th^femdle of the.Spur-wba#Ms füfpeneted :
this‘Frame is-fight-inches löng, -one inch hffcad; and'ah eighth ©f lath inch ttótk,
having'-an apdcthè in each- end -té'-efïïWe the arms -of the uppter Frame, and
an arch-head forming jJj89Bj ‘two Inefiès diameter,- with a feètf-hblt^paff-
ing through » and thë upper Rail E-f%nd a“ Wing-nut on the upper èh#öMe
krili-tfpr the purpofp qf railingordeptreifing. the. Brufli» — Sce.Piatg--.gj
I, T h r vertical Crawn-wheel,' which giyès^ motion tb .the -|pu-r-wpè;e-K an#
Brulh : this W-heel is one loot tyro inches diameter, having thirty-five cogs.
K, ^T%#Bpindle.'©f\£o‘ Crowdswhék lP | t s ^trert§pp(gth is' bneï{SS
oi^e inch, aad^halfj and is-feven eighths of an^TnA fiat^e sj ^ums
on a\rafs blapkfeed on' the Rail Ë, having a knoh bt ita^enlj to tytyW%ts:j
[ drawing out'erf its work : the outer pivot turns in the ||&almel^
L, The-Winch, whffe radius is nine itrchps and aphalf j- the-Bin |||rHop- I
per by which die meal is convened into thetyiill: .the -Bin is one foot four inches I
fefrg, -and dfeven 'inches anS a half hy nirife ihches and a half'St ïfcnppef end;
and fix inches-«Ittfifi at itsunder-ènd. "
N, The Hopper, isminê' inches and a Halfdong, fix inches broad, anTtwó |
dëèp, havingoaö urm "two“inches -and '-a "half dong, an _inch broS|d, andc' ilalf I
an inch thick-': this arm', 3lMng drawn fciy a wfre-lpririg againft the'-arms of the
Brufli, fhakes'fhe meal intb flfC mifly "
i F I G. : a.--'-'"
fh^ic 1 ’a; Plan :of the under fide of the Brulfi,
c P L A .T È I I F I G. 3. t
)A/F<rmt ‘F'iew’t f ' the M-i b bi • a
jig ,■ The 'Cafe of the Mill,.
©it ri iThe-jKerli ’tyitfi itp Cove?, haying an aperture in its uhder edge to.
cojjVOyitfie firSlh-ï &C. which cannot pafs through the fieve then- in ufe into, the
bran-draw. §
E, E, The Rails, in which the ipifidle of the Spur-wheel and Brufh turn,
-. -Fj The Spur-wheëL
G, T he Spindle of the Spur-wheeL
. H, The irdn Erame^ hy iwfoieh the Bfufli is lét down to bear on the Sieve,
or lifted up from .it,. éatÜ
I, The Crown-wheel, which gives motion to the Brufli-C. ■
K, 'The
Vop IL.