I 3;
B ■ &*.'^CQliiQiS^Jsyv ,&ght-ipchfi^i^cf |||jj@p i anil /foqjfl&ches
and an h a i l , f l c^ nnels^£)n jt-s^peri-
p|p®5Sao1® l t b i% | W v an>4 <m$me
-vyheels. ' ^ •£ <• — wwS^pHWiMPf'f®**1' *° «®wi 3<w
G - c r r T ^ 9fiMWM'andc^ e -fi^ |th
broad, and o%-fourth qf an mc^i tb ic^ ^ t ^ ;bole^,and/pring, bpjts to^egp
la£ethe§d©ptk Qfnthpdfill jap p t e p j
D D Two ©arrels^tQTj^eejd-ljq^pfj-Si^d^qf^^iqpt^j o r jjg ,. on^fogb
diameter,;, and wi^«sh$es
<tf.dilfcent;fa^ fefc&r O:
E- An Iron A&is, “ trimfc feet <%nr.mahes- and ai^ haj§ loggyanid t,4hyee
quarters'^ an inchjlpiare, q.^ which, the jipuyels, aye fixed im|i|ch a manner,
as to fet wider or c l je t to c h e r , 3^ ^ll.'xj 3 I
F A Conih Pulley, fwit^^ree-^sj>nyes) ..eiglt-'kiches diameter,"'fixed%o
t|ie uppet ^fcSS$| and^onneSed^^tb^'t'Ke4 finder''fiilley^ lfy afi#6oHbn bs&8,*or
firing,* wMe^ ^^jm^Teed^Mfelsl ‘J5
-s q ftfipK T^V'Be^s^o/fiidm'g’Boaf-ds; £Vo*i||'trlBhgfnx?infch es and three
quarters broad, and three'jnfk -^ 'feipfeiSm tri|§esH^ H^and, fta^»&,at&',
pafs «ProugiTtS’ofe Bed^' 'arid fl^faft'lhmi^qreto'' wfiH^o'dden W f i^ l «-
■ H H \ Two'Taper. T r u n k s ' / ' f e e d “is-;^8hve}ed' into
t^e SrBte: 'their extreme-length‘la^woT 'feeftdrt iSffle&Vhihadtft akthek upper
ends te. one foot four dijchesV'^fi;thit%^f^0fev8r?%n®^fl{(Jn9ldet^^®Fi5ii&';
t i e i r ' i f ^ t ertds^afe' fo u r knifes broddrafM ffia f^ iH f^ a^ ^ w ^ fn c iie s
thick, terminating inian ^cutPaligfe1-^ t t f& p ? ^ ^ W € in g Je & ^ '/'
fiS S r l, Plate 1 . ffg - 'h M W ® | "'7 SL* ] " \ x‘\ . M i
' I I ‘ ^^hyd Iton’^uck%s,? falfiraed''«?5^ nndfeFdnds'df ffie ttGiffi^theff
fore edges form acuf e^gl^Hnd^OTotrfiB tfi’e^officfe' o f fliares arid fcduTters'J
- thdthaWnels in their back e'dge^ fervl 18 ifriftfey theTeM^Wtri-th^chilfi?513'
K K, K, K, FourlWoojden. ^tavl$ trir ^riBl^^mck^alll^tKfSfSgH ffie
Aiding beds, and are! fattened’ thereto nw&h fmall wooden i^eolgc«. qjglrefc
Rfayes fervd as a harrow to coyer thfr&ed;.^
F , A Tranfom, or Crofs „Brace; moitifqd info the upper rails |ff||h e
M, M, The Handles,' with which tfte'pfouglrls' heldand dire&ed.
N, -N, The Hand les, with which thJ'Mough is lifted, np #&teh,e*"^?qund
' w h e n i t i t td l i l febed"
O A Wooden frame, or Bridle^ with its iron hook an€''rmg,' to which
the cattle arei®ffifeTiekrs'this bticfte f^ ^ & fen tl^ * fi|iS ter thhhhper anduriier
rails of the carriage-frame, inclining to the horizon fixty^degrees. .
•: T'P ,V ‘J'>®3toP TfahltiiftL^^cfife idpwjs*fta^ k||de
jfhiHK* T h e r ^ an aperture,
erift fif ea® MtySfoiviW khW-BBlt^riiarlgd! 1,
'2, 3, 4, to pafs,through, and fcrew-into-the Aiding; G*$ ’% WiTt