T 1 ^ 1 - '
eafy and finiple conftru&ionj ;Vill be stt^SeÉeBiihtï.tqu'litói^i^eaAsifeaalfes
ib,tdrtlM?^^ofr'S6Pa‘ 5
»f “ I ami Gentlemen/ /ya^EmS p'beaie&f,
: ; SA M'UE L bfisUX luE'N.’*
C_ H A P, xm,
A S I L K -R E E L prafented to \ the ••Svci'ety by John d,a^^piy‘EIqCc
f jp H I S Reel was brought1 from Georgia,“ whWfuch Reefed arekioWrqi ule
in private f^niles; its frame, ^or bafis, is a,parollelogram, ftipported on
four legs, five inches and a quarter long';’ itst Me Steven
inchfi %?g-;{,the end rails are fifteen inches and ajjuart.er lpng,: one-t-hird of
an inch broad, and one inch and a quarter tEick^aFeSch erid 'b t'S^ fife ra il^
? °w 4 P # “ » or P,pCj
half diameter. The axis of die JRee^urns in ^ t^ ^ a i f^ d f^ th fe ^ ^ b ’S :
t ^ k i r t S ^ guide-ftick pajles through "a hqle in'one of
is aaqatqd by a vertical fpur-wheel j,(the A ^ lW y e r ) 3 ^ | ^ e i e s . Smi^etei^'
with twenty teeth, fixed on ’the-infterend 3*Ftfce T ^ o ^ t f lW c e l^ S i iC
■ wheel gives motion to a vcttical ciown-whecl (d'T6,,'Tccoh’di*n^cf)''Ha l?j'^fff^
two’ inches diameter, with twenty r teeth : Lhis^cp'wn-'^^^®is
wooden lhaft, or axis, two feet iwcfincfiesf Jong, and "o^incll Sfamfe'tgf ?7ffs
pivots turn in the fide pillars, at the back'bf»the ‘ 'at^Hfe^fifief 1:Md^#-
the lhaft is fixed another vertical crown-wheel (tfleJthird'mb^e?)^%tvo^ndhes
diameter, with twenty'-four teeth’, --which*'gives thbtion>;'to- an'llbnzofftal
crown-wheel “(the foii'rth' Mover) t’^drincHes^iaiheW? with' twbn^fdQ?
te e th ;'on the apex of this1 whe6l‘is'fixed a^chfibd ijob1 arm, or crank; -
which gives a progreffive and regrelfive motion to the gu id e -ftick ’"by
which means ■ the’filk is laid ‘ih ' an oblique' diredlion on the Reely5 wKofe
bearing bars* are fifteen" inches’ long, and its circumference1 three'feet two
inches. &
C' U K
c h a v . .. xiv. ^
■j m m itrUoA 1 H B !v^ ^ IK K K ^ O ?C K I N G - F R A M E .
r p HI S ^Machine e©n'lifl.3i'of rafir'ftandardvpbfts, framed together with fub-
lftWtiaPl$lI^,^xall'^‘!ancl‘- birSGes^^Thctwci' ‘back polls which fuftain the
Machine are fouf'feet long/j|nir infches. Lföan, and two niches thick. Thé
t#o"fröift fofts*;, which *ad|BÉ)jehBMr fmfgesByéê^afttl fupbratt the hofiePs
‘ïMtPaSfe^twó'fè'ê't tVb* inches lon^ a'nd thfe'C^hcneS^fquare*-; tne'diftance
from the foie edge of the lo t , tó'the' back edgcJ^tlM hind poft, is two feet
'f^TKe' llur-wheel '^^fou’rteeil4 -lHfeWsb diameter, and one1 jjrtch and an half
broad %rf> $s-periphery, amirs' conneÊfdd to5 the mur-Box piilims>with a fmall
On the axis ofi^Kfewheel is’fixed a roller '(^gmÉHCsijarid an half diameter,
round which thereTs a ftrofig cóïü vrrtli v Iuth'fheiCvb otitcrmoft treadles are,
'conne&ed to the fiur-wheeL\^m flur/box pullies,|:&c, £ The middle treadle is
Smneétjédto the jfte'ffer-paS w f^ ^ rf1'TfpnQo^| leafherTtraps a'ftd a’ pulley,
W ffilrn ftM MffihpmnerW in coltimon Frames. *
The nelJpUl" fmkers, jacks,r'S c l chr6TOTrhedJ ntarly in thenfame^manner as
m' .hommon!"Stpckirig-Trame^lra^|^&d|ipq^dl o f amdlïixeu HölhêWHat different.'
™|the wfa^er-mrews placea inyfing fion’t
fpring-bar, anafprings^lrefi^OTon ^ 'e^up^er part'öf\hd fraöié, behind the
i jacks. -
•The thangiitgljoirfi®--“arid balance -batt-'' are properl^tód conveniently fitted
for, thé purpófe' intended,; u5
jS-The gahghidf this : F>ramh:<-ys^^mde>- w;ith‘ twe^'ty.gWo lijnkers» to an inch:
it was\,workedIn ^Eefenee-bf thepsCommittee(. of rMa^Mad|hre,s', who ^rasg,of
opiriionillhat) it deferved,- th^wh^|Premiurii diFO-ne ‘Huödred Pounds; To
whichithe’' Society agreed/vApfil\f juj
M i D OF B O O K V;