u m h
^764. To Mr. Giles Hawkins, of W^ft Coker, ^merfet. Tor
To Mr. John Davy, of Weft Coker, Soffierfet, ForValfing ‘f’ - _
To Mr. William, Prefton,, # Grönland; and Wl^pload DrpV|/
^iiin6oln^irfe,;xorraifi^^ _ - .
To Mr.- Joleph Jffiggip,; o f ■
To Mn John Elfmere, of Shrewfbury, Tor raffing- 1 , * - 1
To Mr. Samuel Elfmere^ .^Almrad^park, Salop, for railing
f o John Woolmonton, ,Efo• tor railing r r a J lg g %0 -f'.v fr ,1
To Jafn.es JfigginSj-E|q.rfor^faillng^' ^ .o y io,
To Mr* John Davy, of Yeovil arid Weft Cqker, Sofnerfet,~ for
' r äifirfg ; r ‘ -foctfj -tsl V'ros^a JhrD* •'TvtffV '*■ »?. Io äsItQ rtruf
TO Mr. John Day, lOf-Weft' Cöker,-Sömenet/for -railing
To Mr. Giles Hawkipsw of Eaft Chinpock and Weft-Coker, So^
_ merfet • ' •* , “ *
Aqtes.’i "' 1
R n
B |
f t o'.-ji ' ‘ 20J BK
1 20
, ß l ^ \ 20
\ . aa?°
C .. H A P. t v' % r -i
c Hohorarj and Pecuniary ‘Premiums gived ^0r } 'cUlnvdting BJ U R N Et'Tp'T
1767. f T 'O John Searaocke, Efq.fof Hhtfield, in.Hertfordlhire, forfoy-ing
JL thiri-y-fp.vp.n acres, twenty pounds : but Mr.» Sjearancke, in preference
to a pecuniary reward* accdptedxif a gold medal.
1764. To Mr. Rocque, .of Walham-green, ’ ifoy 'the ihiproVed~
culttrre of Burnet, a bodnty of- ' ■* y**? 50
1765. To Chriftopher;BaldWihyEfqv.of Clapham^commoni Shrry,
for fowing ftxteen acres Jn the parilh of Batterfea, 15
Do'the Rev. Mr. d^ayfcs Lamb,rR«ftor of Ridley,--^ear Dartford,
- Refit, -fpt foxing eight1,&gfBs^ — — .
To Mr. Richgrd Scrafe, ofyWithdeap, .in.' th,e parifli of, Patcham,,
„ near Brighthelmftone, in Sriftex, for fowing five acres, y , . y , f e . * *5
1766., ,To Robert Barker, Efq. of Gover, near Exeter, Devon, for '
.. r fowing upwards often acres in the parilh of W h i^ o 11®? — - ,i ^*0
' Pretniurns given 'jof „ cultivating L U C E R N E'. j„
r.^ : ~ ^ a i £ $ I £■
v f& ß '..To Huffiphry'StmtT^Efqr^for-fowmg feven acres,— —— - 4b
T o Colonel Edward Taylor,, forfowfoRfevenaereS^ ■»----- — l5
t t o 1]
17.64. To Mr. John Y a y ^ e t ;p4 ^tGhaip, near Bright^pilfone,
V"‘^Sui(fcxi Tor fowing this^gs &Gjfe^, j ♦ , 4 / - , : ,V 1 ' • 20
To gMr. |afoes ‘Betlef, of North, (^ay, K^ntV'foq fowfog twelve
- f‘ acres, • » _ , . - ' , ^ . _ _ '
To M4- James CEdwardsi third »readuip^fejcjiifflfflg Lurg r ^ 4 ’ i
Pretniums «*tdHt9um£ C A R R O T S .
*76g ’ ^ Mr- * jfohn ^LJarct}} ? pf ^uftifchJ;: ^ p d h r f e iM r t J '
^ ■ f o w i n g |3 f f e r ^ ^ ^ V ' ^ W r 1 h p l p _ 1
M r- Robert Rilling, oft' Weafenham,' A i l^ ih t s ,' Noffolk, for
^vfowing thirty acres^^ , - V - ~ i ht, qu1 2Q
J764 To Mr. Robert Billing, 6ft'‘Weitefiha^,^6 Saints; afbre-
ifTaid, for fowing hwentWhurladrtS1 and an''half,
-l 7§5f To Mr. Robert Billing,' for ToWingftlfe’ftike quantity of -
ground with parrots* - " .. _ . s £ 20
Premiums - given'for,cukwath^ T u q:« e>i* C a c p, ..findP vp.pni.z.* ro 9 J h |
, C a £
-1767. To Robert Colville, J0 t|. of NeWt'on, in the Ifle pf; Ely,
h Cambridgelhire, for the culture o f Turnep Cabbage, - -g
1769. To Mr. John Reynolds, o f -Adifham> in Rent,, for intro-
iiaducing'the.Tufnep-rboted Cabbage, *not heretofore made ufe oft
in this 'country, 'but mbie 'efpecially for -his particular attention
• _tcft promote the Views of the ^-Sofety, a bounty of » - 50
^Premiums' jp&eh' Jbr 'cdM^a^^^dwers dfands- 'vf- G R A S S*
C, ,t: / ^ ^ Sjf
17.64. To John Freema%‘,$fq. ofrCh^te^lpdge, Wilts, Tor p«)‘
ducing twenty-ohe hundreds, o'lfe-quarter, and tHirteen pounds,
•of White Clover-feed* ^^bdticed vbfn fenda*; ; ; -I - ' - 20 o
iy %* ; To Mr. Thomas Halker, of Sherfield-upon-Loddon, Hants,
for ohe thoufand and nine pounds of White -dpYer-foed,; produced
on fourteen ae©es, - . ^ . | 2QT o
* TJ^ispremium was paid to Dr. Johp. Stephens.
A 4 ' '' 1766*-