1 *53 ]
C, A Scoop, or Bucket, /fattened to the periphery of the wheel. This
Scoop being filled with water at eyery revolution of the wheel, difcharges its
contents (as it afcends) into the outermoft end. of the fpiral tube, and from
thenc.e ^pujjhrite.different circumvolutions into the hollow part of the axis
E, A Curved Tube, twelve inches1 arid an1 half long5 and three-eighths
of diameter", rfipi a Jboit necl/p tui ned up^at right angles with the
pori/on : SjPthi’e cxtrcmftfy.of thia Tu‘ls’l,dh,|re^ffeftened (in a perpendicular
direction),'; afte^spitP^k or fe|_©f ..tjabd§/^ « ftfedl thirty feet above the axis
oi*tne wheel atci isfiVecd. up^aougli *tms|^pe^bythe'’ adtion and
afiapeiior weight'©f sili$ wate£‘ ffinSined m the- citEumyoJutions of the fpiral
' F’ ^ t l f . neck bf; the curved
H g || - ,ol>>ot^|cifg^mVolT^iQns, laid tbrp> q-breaft-
Ion“ tfe Jperipbpry , 'ffiheel: f^ e^ h p le length .of th i^ ^ ili& ^ h en ' laid
Wit i ^ g ^ ^ i g h j g l i n e ^ t t h e lengthj.of the perpendicular
tube, r
P-'niia^niVde] ^v^yoiked in prefcnceplltlie' Cot iMitteeTofifMechanics, who
pclfdlv^cb ‘4;d'J r’efeoiMnehd ■ - to \ t f l -jUbcfet^ £6 jprefpiiC Mr. ValtraVerst with/the
^()Urnr^tal*(S'4'He riScftjacty l^i|iitc)^uri'ng-the'il4M|&yclratiM(i>ffiodel, and'other
"rdpe'ated f e l f e s iwh;i,cfi td|g;r^cM©ty'agreed, §iarii}ary'6i
A P U L I A M ' 1 ^ N 2. i|)
EfflQhis diyifion.olj plate tbftie^pnd Gonpiiii^ipcffpedfiye^Vlc^pf^Mr. Wirtzs’s
hydraulic-T^ijlynes |sp. taken flunyjal. d'jawifag^which,Dr. Zeigler made of
it, .in its original fete at Zurich, in»'S ri ifzcfland,jlie^hple' ^cqnfiffimg of a
perfpp&ye view of.the Aachimj'; a plan oft.the fpiral tribe,, or-'c'toveyaiice a
Cedlion ,of the-axis and nerpendicular tube Aa fee.w pf the - ftage' on, which the
Machineds pledged, apfeqf; the Dye-hayfe, fupplied, with water by. this, inge-
nious.cqptriy.ance; ithe utility;|anAdefcripti©n of which Dr-. Zeigler has mi-.,
nujply. fef forth,.„in !his:)Difefta,tien tqn,!the Zurich Adis, .yfph'IHR
f C H A P.