in the .clfar ^ the fides three fourths,of an inch thick* and the bottom an in<4i
and a Half thick.
.'ifjN,' One, of,the. top Railsya^.the frame, one foot nine inches long from
fhoulder tp,,fhoulder,^three inchejmroad, .and an .inch thick.
O, 0 ,\ Two apfs Rails, .or Joifljs, fixed ©n the Rails N N, are three inches
broad, and', ai^nchihick.,
P, „„One qf th^jBLeWo^Wop^fe' that |ppports theJaxis(of the beam: thefe
Blocks _ m fiv^P italfe|yby1 foi^cSiches,, and two; inches thick;'on the upper edge
of whichtwo( piecM pfibrafs or bell-metal, (for the axis of the beam to work
The Beam, one foofi^ four inches - and a half long from {boulder to
flioulder of its tenons,%andtsthree inches fmareij. '
.. R, The Axis, on?,tyhkfo the-,beam turns, is eight: inches" longhand three
fqurths pf an inch diameter,. '
S, Sj^3w>.The <^arter-head§.^Mjjwhich the. piftops -,are actuated, a^e thteP
inhhes: broad, and two jinches aqcLa half thick : they are mortifed on the ehc}s of
the beam, aqd, are well'e|etp with, the 'Braces- T * their Radius
is one foot^, and the portion^sfe tgeir cfrcle^dhe foot' three inches and o'ne
fpurth ^sjheig .ends are.*fed,u,ced to^aq jtnch £iqd three, fourths .thick/u
T, T^T, T, 'J 'The four Braces that fix tne quartei-lieads Ao- fh^ .beam,
qje nine-inches long, three inches broadband ,an inch and * half thick, tenoned
intp the beam and .qu^^r-heads, -
U, The Quarter-head, that a (Suites the Plug-frame, or G,punter-balance t
ijS, radius is fix -inphes, ,dts. portion of-a "circle .feven Jkchesj^iis breadth and
thicknefs an inch, fattened .tprlhptfidp of the beam..,^ •
W, The'Rod and Chain, of ^heipiftodCiby- which die Machine is actuated
by the weight of water in itS;Cvlinder,.qr Barrel.
X, '-„The Barrel, oij Cylinder, that reqeiyea the falljng „water to iamfc
ate the pitton, is five feet four inches in,d a half long,, nod is divided into, three
parts, viz. the upper part is (tv^;,feet, eight inches. and a^flf4on§h?pC WP°d ; the
middle part, in whicbythe ,pM^piWtprks, is .two feet. >|ongj.fdtsmndei\ part is eight:
, inchel and a half long ji its bpre, M^in’fide cavity, three, inches. and a half.
Y, The Paffage, By yvhich the; falling jwatjer. is cpnyeyedrinto the channel
. Z, The Valye^and Condu^bpr, by which theater, when'thbdpIttofl'defcendS} is
conveyed into .the- channel ;s,(ahd, }wjrqn thp pitton begins, to rjfe, ibyr Qiifting its
pofitiqn, admits the y^ater to.pafs through, the Conveyance,(a) into thg Cylinder
X under the pitton, and admits it to rife, again, till-jt^ertu^fj the Bob, ©*j.
Drift, by which the pofitidn of the CondUdfog is alternately changed. r;See Fig.
3> abd.4-
a, The Conveyance, through, which1 the falling - WateEr;pa^s, while
the pitton is riling:, this^Cpj^eyance is two feet three inches and a half long, five
inches and a half fquare at .the top, and foil* inches'- at the
jointed inlajh^JB^p ofithe or Condudfor, Z i iHe. eayityj or water-paflage
of this Conveyance, is two inches diameter.
b, The Box .of the Conductor, ten is inches , long, and five inches and a
VoL. II. ' .... 'm m ..a i r Half.