8 m f |
C ‘ H A P.
Premiums ‘'■ for making M A R B L E P AT*TE T^7
/V N account* having been ■’laid before^. the*! Safety* 'great .quantify
of. paper, commonly- called Marble Paper, imported into this kingdjom,
from foreign-^countries, the Society came ro a rhfohitibhTo'offer a premiUj®
of Fifty Pounds to the Candidate who fhould _ produce Forty Ream*, ofothe
befit, and nearefj: in quality “to foreign/ Marble "pTO^;' 'and'f^?*Pffemmm o r
Twenty-five pounds to the Candidate who fhould 'pfocf&^'Twehty Rfeams
of ditto, manufactured in England.
The Candidates, whofobtained. thefeTremmms,"~1were, 'Mr. Henry Houfb^
mM^of Imdfiqld^ and Mr^Samuel Herv§y?' June' j 9^7*6^. s
C__ H „ | JB,_ v. VIII.
, Premiums fo r making L O S H or B U F F E*vJ|h®T HER.
r J''H E . Society having. beeqr infor~t^edf ^that there -were' no 'Loth ‘ Hides,
cdnnnpnly called BufFLeatbey, nrefledan Tn'gland; ■ 'and'tha^ t'h^re^wl^
annually imported, at a medium, OTeHhoufand^ai^^weiity^fevei^Ttofh s^des
for jh^qfe (pf t^e army i , the Society thought \vratK\ pfy tKeir
jh c y offered aTrau um of Ten PomiHs“ tp jme.perfen
wh<? fHpuld’produce |iy$ of ‘the belt Loth HideJJdrelTed in oil, and^qup in
gpodnefs to foreign BufF iLeathqr. -
In confequence of which Premium, Mr.1 Bullock, "Mr. Gabel, Mr. Becket,
and Mr. ColweU, ^ r e parididates/' and/tlfe' Itides produced, by^lfom^Wtlre
examined and allowed* to be'equal Jin gbo^nefs td^yimpbrtedJ fronf abroad
and in all reipefts*, fit foifthepfeof the army * "
N. B. One b f theHides fs referved in the ?>ociely4s Repofitjorf of Manufactures.
I &9 1
, ; c h p . ix.
L E A T H E R Panned jj 'with Oak-ftiifa '
TH E method of“Tanning flieep,- Calf,rand lamb, fkins, without bark, Wag
^ifcoveredvby'i Mr/.John sEldridge/ M Battle, in Sqffex ; who, by re-
peated experiments had Brought' td^ ^ feTioh .the Tanning of Leather with
Gai^Sav -d u lla n d , a-, hc^thought it would ptoye a matter of public utility,
th^mered, fft? V valuaD^J^^fiit^S^“' tx&Wveal Kis’ fecret to the Society,
and-to” perform ti^e operatii^' bdfdW4 tny pet&n, ’*0rl perfons, whom the Society
fluftifd Jhfqk proper to |foo Him, jrgye^fs : ■* vh p. h,-Sac.t'Q^diUg^,, was performed"
l r i^ l e h c e ^ fW )oint Committee^ ,<5f d^emiferfand to3ffuBicfttffbr;
■ ^jio, attended, ^eV^fninef', and’ to o l’ ilfinti?es&V:t f ’- the, whole procefs#\(^vhich
proved to ihe'/entireTatjsf4cl:ioil S t he|ajLd Committee ^ they,^ therefore,,. recommended
^o^he A g ^ y ^ o ^ i^ ^ r , bfdjrklge ;a‘ Bounty .o f One|Hi»i-
dred Pound's for lus jijcgycxy.^ To ..^fnchj^ e ^ ^c.iety Jagreed/ May 2^
llP i-
Ml \ fh '
Tfie Method 'of Eyeing HedStr, ffld TeiM ^h 1 1 MuiiHer it is kit
Turkey, tW_ S&ci&jr by Mr. 'Pwfd^’l’dt*’
S 0 M ^ '^ a rs bgp',- t^jforWdrthy mt&ifbdig' o f thd$Octety having n® intimacy
with tor Phrlrpo, (wfttHs‘’Ml Afftiinian} reqUeffod him, when he returned
next to Aha, td endt*Vcwf tndlfeeMr the TmkMi method of dyeiWg ^ a b
fkins Red arid Yellow? thy'Was Itfokcd upon as a* v ia f ha^ardoatsiattfempf.;
ftbverthelefe, Mr. Philipef havig^ a vteif: great- re^frd; Sbi the lingliffli nation,
•anl M S H I I I m «gfehilbfaeh abo^nfeMiah'ed, h i, w ith gr^e
affiduity and ex^Uc^ fdqUSf ed a perfeT knowledge of the according y,
$ M t t fa fs ; a a * * * H I ■ d i f te « * * » «■ * ®«hy
Dyeing. Leather Red, and Yellow, in the fame manner, arti With the ltkb
ingredients, I S I » s T h e ?^ a t i6 n was performed by Mr.
Philipo iiMfelf, at the4 ^ # S $ l c e , ' ^ irefence' of th|f>mt Committees
,o f Chemiftry and Manufadures, who took minutes of the whole proofs;
’ and when the fkins were completely finifhed, feveral experiments.We tn&i
to prove Ik e durability of the colours, which* were.found" tiT be better fixed.