m «% ]
ËjÉte ofiTiii; fEitEiéf ^ke. ilàott lBn and 'KSy, inith which the Jfia&hw-cap is
MJéaêd to-the *t>ox.'
. .^ î : Onç-citf rt&ecö^a^ ,o£ <fche Jseét.
' S -q£r 3’
V #,!:n ÿlThefRftorti tép#è«fenî40«wfch its roMsnihj t ó h O* bsàlkgà c^ps >to.flxe'W
its tfocs} ' 'or tipper fide. , ’ ■ J
fW8n$; dt the ïSbtóèéy;»
Office, m'p^âÎTiPO ©i the (^OBi'snrltxe of ?Meclnn^Æ.‘aud, at rilt laft trial, it
appiearedfo-tfeéjGietnpAtteei'j-attftectefeïéthedaftfeæpëriinamtrtliqt âieppinp
efotJiE tM cotiiiEiÄon.ÄB')edBifdy. |bpa^bdv'iaJnd>theae^h3st .qxikte wrtra
fWmgh m^rrnt et» tó p*>r4ge3, ^aMîfehniA^ T3fcwicbnftoi^d.N'ftirp,p;was
sorted eafe. -|||®ht Óoffiankteè, r e&Wli to, ioeâo'mæàemi-ÆQ Èjt& SöfcJ&ty'*
to give Mr.. EknMofd a bounty bf täakt^ guimsaafe fd eh js - ii^ A tte kM FÄdb
jHjd ßox, k bMvbsgtHe&tó kfe^lwtópïibM^-> 'T»a|
-nliich the Society- agreed, March 1
Hi Jé fe[ Au'X .
A Êtèfiiïfièin ürk'-'Exftu'iickiiïn o fJMr. Ö ^ Ö R H ï 1ST G E.
,-^j oij©%j t .
A View o f the H i T^^^fbith.-wdhits'iférntS füt-togàhèr^
A» A Bmfs ^ chdt, Àw^&idbés àud eight-twelfths -lofig, {ex-
± \ . ç&si#È of tifae hall î^nd iacorn €,) and i&veu^dfldte ^ah ï-fitâi
dfen^efij: «Ædfe:-^afetes 3Ttós ::Söc|^ B, - :is‘‘r&âclè of\4 ne
entirë pibcemf.plate brafs, --whiiqb 0«®® diyiàed'iteadth^Mé'lfitS th¥ëe‘jëq«jâî
paMs,* thßiitiiddije -divifcija, .when jicopieîiyJfcôJfedi, AâàÈes the &op]öÄ Jôif Ttfbe
■ A;ïî;'and t f e ty©nèlîtfideiidMfa®P'rodaten--doirbied itögetto* mate the wing
fobsadteh ^tft'tâhë^%hth W
îjB^ Efee-tWQ'ojîtsfîde DhdEorasJoï'-Jthe Bf®£s'!Fla*è, WbkJi beSng doubled
together are l-m fCjOntaa; ivrath :each other, äs hefore-me-iïtipnéd f &efe ffitffiötis HHfi tjdoo. are