; D 1
^irty-ene feet ;> tlpe vanes of this. Mill turn dn binges, with- '
fattened t® each; of, the armis of the wind flttftsi. .The fprings, ate imeflddd'to
keep- the vanes to: their proper angles} otfittaation, and the;.f®rce:&| tfoeifc
hiufb .he^eqUal' to.-the: quantity .or prefers ctf tlmrwiaaid the arms are, capable of
beaickg 3. bad: if it Wows harder;.' the '^flgs.-yk^-tcpii^hwi feffer t'jjfestones
to turn ttftgir..edges thereto, and by. that ineaOs. evade the fore©- of t’he
The Gdqaniktee.was: of opinion that this.'was: aft iftggftsous- invention, and
eapable.qffi being: very «Mu% improved, that they apprehended that the
cdaftflia&ioh ©fi it was. rathe* too weak for practice; however, as this. Mil!
the ofiher e-andidateV Wind M®, and foine* ttfefnl^lhr-
^(iv^eptpmi^it .be made to- it, the, Cdritmifetete p^h- of Opinion t|at
Lewis was entitled to eb& premium« of fifty pounds1.
keFhis refolution o f the Committee was eonfirtfied-by the-Sbeidty, October f ,
,C .S H A P.
^ ^ ^ W è o u r it b f a 'M o M jg a W ï N D M I 'J am e s Ver-1
SB opMorth Curfy,. SomertfetrfHiEe.
T PLE.^yestór of this MiU;has. GOattiVed .k'.te^ftef^«r re g a in ,- 'fe y
which the vaftes-are foffeted to-ykld and give rwiy tö thwhnpetus ^Üï-ê
wiad,wheni£ k too forcible caridwheadfeiaft*r languid,it;bringsthe,vanes
' op to, the wind till its- weight or forte© k ■ fufosdfent.'to give tfan Milt ^-proper
velocity by thk^ont-rivanee,, the wind-ift j u % weighed,regulated'
and proportioned to refiftance,'or number, ofjftones.put to.Work; by this
mean« alfo a regular uniform 'motion is obta>ed,.and-the Mgl.lfe£s -liable to
be fét on fife, or deftroyed by the violence, öf jt« motion. " The inventor k ö
fteW thOIEffify of" Bis regulator; a33e f to his' M l F f e ^ T ^ e ^ l ^ t h a n
ufual; - but he intimated to the Committeeph3.t a ,lgfs ndnfoer waTnrefo^fe
and that his intentions in pitting % great ar-puipfcer was. only'to ffiew’ the
.poWer p f hi& regulator.
, T ’l * length of the atois ®£ the wind' ihaft & nineteen ihches-; the length
, ptt the. faast;ar5l.tw^yie inches and ah-hah j the W i « % the extréme epd fe
feven inches and feven-eighths ; their widgth' at" the center end is two inches '
arid fevèn-eighths.. Thé Mis of «bis Mill' are . fattened with hinges to their
whipa, or amah, ï v f e h a mariner,/that the ptöpèrtióh öf their leading and
dhVing parts arts as trim töfcW-ó. pi ' r j • '" - l T ; rsrj
£ % .t
The single-'of their plWsat^n;-'when firft oppofed to the Wind, is forty-
fir c^dcgrccs, an#/t&gula¥lys|he fame fjroni end ttfend. A t the end neareft to
the center olpeach offehc'fcritr cardTOaraails,-ire fixed' four’ quadrants^ by
phifer they are kept up to the wind, hi fall off from it, by means of double
fchairi^pbV^opc^'fiveat^'tH^HoW^rb'fs^rnis, or braces} which are flamed
fey «their center to at long iron«roller, and pafe through, a Hole bored length*
^Me from end to end through the wind At the inrietnxoft end,-of the
laid rod, 'fetrfpindle, is fixed ajregitt^lpi regulator, with a double chain to
the barrel, Of roller, round'wfaich if ‘pfh»e With a' weight which is intended
to he greater of lefs according tq the- power of the Wind, arid the number of
ftones'i’pdt ^jwe ik ;fj,the whip^'Or arms-, are all bolted to a thick circular rim*
aftd- ctofs pies«» within, fey which they are much better frieutod, and much
ftrionger than by the ufual method y the head wheels of this Mill- at© madje
-jsfqRical, ?by 'which means fho teeth -foil hotter in eonfa<tt- With egjtjh Other, arid
l^ye a Hldrt equal w e a^ g in alligartSi . The perpendicular {fesft; is much
Iftorter than ufoal, f^ylwhidh m^asisj^ift.w^plf hwMms (particidprly the floor
on .whkh the ffories a^pbeed];, js Considerably ftfOng^r, and; lefs l^fele to
yib^ate than ki- t-h® common the ends of the whips, are not entered
'foqre than two-inches into the trimteaet of the fhafts, fey which they are not
£o much weakened as on th'c*ufujl w Ay.
The Committee was of opinion that the inventor 6f this Mill Was Well Wormy
jkft a. bQ'unty'O'f" fifty pcrutrdsy’and aocqrdingdy recommended to fh® So-
|cie^^to gi¥e him fMe ' fam'&: .fo^which' the - 'Society agreed, December 31,
c i f ; a ' p. x i v ,
A jfcrfrt Jyejbrtptimi' o f thi Xbtikt -of Mr. G a l !A $ C R A N f l .
THE firtt moving power of this machino is an eridlefa foitew turned with
a winch; thil fcreW is dorine^ed With a vertfoal Whed, on whdfe axis
ik a barrel, or Itdler,- fO #hieh k Ml&ried a cord with- a Weight 1 '‘and by this
fimpleconttivapce oplyj the men eamtaMe>'tip or I<£ ddWft A ri load with fecl-
lity, without any danget;of thdiwleightsj tefuj:iy.ng^.ck^ to injure the workmen;
T h e corrtnhttee w^eofoppioh that this1 crane ymPhe ufefuTin nunes,
and for railing weights; and that'Mr. daiabine was defervirig df a reward of
"twenty guineas. , -■
^ Th^l^golution 'of the .Committee w|f-confirmed by the Society, Jan. 28,
j 760
C H A P,