XXVI £ & K T 1 . ■ 'M t> :<$)
Black,'of Berwick upon •gEweed ; mqdelyf a macKihe jFo^.^rging
,wheel-tire, • by Mr. Thomas Hunt; 6. A .portable irom oven. by Mrj-aRo-
bert Clement; A- bolt-irfg mill,' by Mr.JNathamerStedman ;10. AmcBrel
of an hydraulic engine for^aifing, w te r bewater, rb y‘Mr. William \\.eli|§
gattR; 9. A new in willed ’'challfcuCtér^by Mr. Willnm B'uley, - f93
_ B - Ö Ö K IX.
Honorary and pecuniary prarmjums givaa for d^fsLajcticles in chemiftry, ï-9^
B O O ! K X.
Short ^cpoupt of the honorary and pecuniary premiums and bounties give» by
ythe Society,_ for planting^ mulberry trees, vines, and ..divers offieramcles,
in the Britifh colonies in America, ■ - - l’9‘7
B O O K -XI.
Shorjt^account of .the pequpiary premiums and, bounties gi-ven in the Polite
jjArts, 9 - - -2 H H