K n M
A * P.'
A Jhort 'Account o£ Mr. G eorge M A C H JH ÎT ^ § ^ ,S p m n Q g \% x
, ^. Threads at tty Jtyne Time, by one ,PerJan. \ •-■
'p H ? ] ’ ^achine did' not JuHy"anf^r the purftofe ^rijjpnlle'd';
wjhcSbt was fbnftrûdied wéré’ very^flpif,3 arid ^fiéared to
B | n H atsyp^ts arid
th^ ^ mëre^t op^pons^yith. tolerable facnity, ^n’g fett
Hopes tHat this défirable i^rpyemerit in the ai^ o f Jlp n n i i^ ^ i& H ^ q fe y ^
brought to pçr^eraon, ^êrWore appoir^S a hr!||Kng^ February
^Orifs-f?116 ’ Ip^^^feïpi/a^he.dy‘Æd^îfil^'^îMïtëë
w*s :®f l°P“hin th a t^ e Machine.pppeared’ to'haT?e4‘af|'realK dlaF*lf,!^^^:^bd
capable ,of improvements,' although it. was’hiqt '^Sèfê$?ë We
Tirft Piemium of wj?ifty’Pounds ; ^huf^eè^mnleïil^P t^&'e t^^ie%ÿî W -|iWe
the Inventor the Hum of'Twenty-S^e^Gmrieas, MlaH^ÈhcSiîfh^ébien^fdf^is
Ingenuflyt To Which the SScîé'ty' â|9eë8^ MarJfi
'; clx . H' - j j g y .
‘^ ^ ^ i Wep^t&oA efiMt*. HiRR*s^i^SPI>N'^'I'-N!©^7i^^BJEX.
S' Wheel *Jpins >two threackt‘at;,onfe, i.and^s^onftru^e^as ^ o llo .^
■ ■ •■ ■ ihnat&'bafiatds :a triangul^frame^n-rian «ftqlwpd-p^lprf tN which is
faftened three ftandards, or polls, ?two in front,-,and one; at-its angqlap.,point
at the back of the frame : the two front polls are t-wqnty-oneinchps and’ an
half Iong/;and:r0rip>ifch;;an#OjieT,ei^ijhr%i3re ;.'^e,back polUsijtw# faff, fa
hjehasB and irn g i ^dfirichfes' and a^half abroad, jj and, fin%-inch;thi,ckr:
the ficjlqi: of- the triangular frame are twofeet nine inches, ,and an^halffllongj
^ o hiches and an half broad, and one inch thick. There are two horizontal
rails morti^d into the upper ends, ,0f the two front polls; thefe rails are
twenty Inches and a quarter lorig, pn'e inch and a quarter .broad, and orie inch
thick ; diftant from each other nine inches, from out to out : the fpindles of
the bobbin^ and flyers- work fide hy fide, and are -fixed to thofe rails in a perpendicular
pofition. The. Spinning-wheel is twenty inches diameter, and
Qrtq/infb thick ;■ the Under. part of its iron axis is formed into a crank* whofe
, radius
radius is orre inch and an half; its under end turns on a fteel conic point, arid
is fixed to an angle of! feventy degrees, by which means the Wheel revolves
in-an oblijju^liEctlipjj, leaning,*tp^a-rd^,-the' fpinner, arid is a^uatëd by an
!ii nr.i?nm tafesaririen. fed-A ooiEmefled 'with two iron center-pins to a perpendicular,
j-jjqck^qf<v;oo,d.nipf tif^ddnto th e s i s of the,treadle, and to the crank of
.thearo^i^^^V,©n'.th^hU^ibut)ei^d&«b^^ije|(,tj5yp frqpt pofte; are fixed two tin
gunas, ea&KfAthep^^llgd^Wfith, aidp,Ufge4aijid gum-watqr,, for the fpinners to
w&fc thgirjffipgpr^ huni-t^q^ij'fipd it- neceffary,fos t'o, db? The flyers, bobbin's,
&.cTmef fkcd to^iilrrPtll wooden fiarrie huftg; with' midget,-., io one of thé front
llaridard pp^^^this tframgj,fè^«^feo^4egu'late l,the tpnfion of,,the-cords, or
bands,É él the iSpirining-whseek, Sec.
:';^lhis.- Spinmng-wKccl-lfcav trammed $rfd workadin prefence of the Com-
•mWöC- of Mariumëéures, who was'of opinion that1 Mr.1' ÜAi|ïyON was entitled
,to fflfe ‘Premium of M-fty Pounds. Tcpwhich - the Society! agrèed, April i x,
B B R 1
V l l f *
^}jhg$%T^&ftyifitisnAf MAi S j|& ||j ..'PERR^%f MAilpiKhNJE^./ör '.Spinnig,
ten'itT^iji^ng. < }
Th f ï chiéfl^jirttlridenffbi^brk^V^j arid 'is' conftrüftcd in
|feiÊ|-*riiêiWi^r # thWt-eri^a\‘lhWïaiJ<e time,‘either in
•f[)irining, ‘or1 doubling JsM& ?, its "fraih^^of ’iffiand^ is_a parallelogram,
^fefè^^fes are ’ff^é^epytwo^mches ^drigr,! its’'■ eud^ia^’'twenty-one infelresj
-ffbUi odWtd oubV axid'héMïff’frOTï, thêffgïddndV two fcetfthr&‘ iri'ches and
afita’SK^: at êctch'enA' of \‘li& Jr a hie ^ q r e^d/a*- with an1 iron fpmdle
dri^^T|ght M ^® ch |p t;' èhWTi, èp1nrixh|l|W'heelsv to‘. turn ott| thefe
^Sfefs k?re three féet hx i&^e£d^raeteM;lfaym^^b:an^or line/Vdtfnd each
óf j^aeriÉ; wmeh gibes'" iriptióril tèeil&j-bohbin^^Sflyers, ^^^.ly.^h^wbeefs afd
turhed w i^ wincKeSj ofraWbri^OTiferit-'radius ’tohe worked'ivibn’ eafe. by chif-
dreri‘: | h i ' “whiclMflSiin tfifë?v\ Infixed Êm ^ fêet ft&glnches
diftadlTrdrh t‘be^h|è' ofvthe a^ ifk f^ ^m r f fe^ with a flTay, or
bracqj t o ^ e ’ faid frame. 'hhVfpihnèfs; fit, thiée öppofite föbtóh
other, oil-each l^ é a d ^ f th ém may fpxpf-Mth one Hand,
iór 'bofh/ arid'has^ pó^mr ihimècliatély tfe'ftopy oi^put in motion, the tpiridles,
flyers,1 Oel'óngingTo-'her bwri Work, Jvithoüt'^iriy let, ‘or'hiridefarfee^ to
the'óthér fpinners v: this is performed b^fhe prefl/ufe. bf thé foöt qri a treadle
H"h ’ ’ ht‘UU ‘ fitted