f % !
M “The Share; its extreme length from the point to the back end of the
Sock is'one foot and three inches;♦ from the poin t^the backend bfÜhe Fin is
eleven inches j indthe extreme breafih of the fip is Sven inches;
N, The iron Mould-board p i Breaft-plate, two feet and fix inches' long 5
its extifetatr breadth is-thirteen ttiéhes, and one tenfti «jf an itfcb thick.;; this Breaft-
plate is bent fo that at the back end the under ed'gfof it projeds eight inches from
the back fide of the Ground-réft,, aj?d its upper edgc.prbjeös one foot and four
inches from the aforeiaid Ground-reft.
; O An iron Filet, fix inches and. a quarter long; its extrfeme breadth is
tvtó iplhès Bid i half, and ffogof fixteeflths ^anlhch ffilek s this1 FiMet is facetted
on tëe' upper edge o f tfie’ Bêatp, w B aai firön'Scïew and nut, jttft'before the
Handles, and to theftifide o f the Beam by the Staple R, whjchp paffing through
thqBearp and bent fide of the Filler, is fixed with a föfew and1 niif:' the ufe of
theTÉet is'to recavé 'thé Sh^re-hoök F, by which the upper end óf the Share-
brace is fixed8to’its proper place. ' See it more plain itrFig. i : 1
P* The ShapfibSfc, four inches longhand half an inch thick j its ander end
Is hent into, a hook to receive the upper ëpd of the Share-brace; its upfier end is
a ferew, fod, patting through a Hoje in the Billet; is'fatened thereto with an iron
nut. -
The Share-hrace, one foot arid nfrie IncKêsTóhgjfexrcltifive of its book at the
u n d e r end, an inch and a half broad, three eighth? of ,an incj^thilfc on its uppef
edge, add one fixteenthofan iüch on its yndfr edge. .
R, An. iron Staple, two inches foi^ ;, its extreme breadth is an inch, and a
quarter of an inch thick ; it is a little bent of at it® fowgjr'elift to embrace the
upper end óf the Shareftjrace; its fliank, palling through the fide.pf the Beam, is
fattened thereto as aforementioned;
S, S, The fore Sheat, apd iron part of the left Handlê/fhj-êe feet and eleven
inches:long from the Ground-reft tp thètop oftHe Socket i*jan inch and a half
broad, and three quarters of an- inch thick from the Ground-reft to the Beam;
and. hum die Beam , to the bottom of the „Socket ft three quartos by, .five
eighths of att ineb ; the under end of this Sheat is rivelted tq thé Ground-reft two
feet and five inches diftant from its back end: at one foot three inches and a
half from its under end, it is fattened tp the Beam and Brace thirteen inches ^nd
a half diftant from their back ends with a ftrong 'ferew bolt and iron nut. *
T, The hind Sheat, and fupporter o f the left Handle, two feet and ten
inches long, an inch and a, half broad, three fourths o£ an inch thick from thp
Ground-reft to the Beam, and three fourths by ftve ejgfohs from the Beam tp the
Socket of the Handle: this Sheat is rivetted to the Ground-reft fix inches diftant
from its back end, and is faftened to the back end of the Beam, and Brace witha
ftrong ferew bolt and nut.
y The wooden part of the left Handle, three feet and fout inches fong,
two inches and one fourth diameter at its lower eód, and an ipch and one fourth
at its upper end.
W, The iron part of the right Handle ; is two feet and ten inches long,
three fourths of an inph broad, and five eighths of an inch thick, except at the
j• bottom
t H 3
bottom, and the Socket i this Handle is faftened to the off-fide of the Beam by
the fame iron bolt that fattens the, left Handle between the Beam and Brace.
X, The fupporter of, the right Hahdle, ¥two feet long, three fourths of
an inch broad, and five eighths pf aft inch thick : the under end of this fupporter
is .faftened to the oM e% 3 f the back end bf'the Beam,' With the fame bolt as
4rhe hind$Sjieat, faftened With between the Beam and fide Brace. .
- ‘ y , ^uhe.wooden part. bf the right Handle ; is three feet and four inches
lpng, two' iqches and one fourth diameter at the focket, and one inch and one
. fourth at its back end. _ .
Z, Z, Two iron Bolts,* with an ^ye at their under ends, to receive .the iron
^Trundle a : fthfCe^Bofis Rafi through the Sockets and Handles, aftd are riveted I
on the upper fide of the Sockets, *
I g^Thit.ftpn Trundle, twelve inches and a half long from Qipulqer to iljQul-
der,* and fiftls eighths of an inch diameter : each end qf fois Tiuqdle has a ferew
feyen eighths pf ay inch long, which, patting through the e|6S t)f the Bolts
Z , h fattened %retp with two iron . I ... . ^ ,
E ' b ■ An iron Strap,’ or Staple £;,fts upper Araa.tt oqhftof long from its ihoul-
1 der 1 the back end of this Arm is fofened to. the jnfifte o f tj^Beam, with an iron
j i r e w and — H inches dl&rtt fr'qm its back end : the B pud of the upper
mm bears againft B uppef.-icdge of the Moulttbpard, 1 B B 1 i f
inches and foiffl ft* back «kU the under Arm is ning inches lpng
' .from the fhouldef of the ferew, 9 which H fa t te d to :ihe hind Sheat, four
V m m I a half high ffomjm upper
aaainft the Moydd-board two inches and a half diftant ftorn^i^ back end, and five
• f a * » and a half tip liom to.nndsr sdge i f t , B p ^ rpl«e is tew ed t6.4 =
'"iniddle qfthe fore part .qf [this Staple, which gives Cits proper dire&on. ,
' c. An. iron Strap, or Half Staple, which; fefveS as a Brace ,to the Team, and
two Sheats: .its upper Arm is one foot long,- M g and a half broad, and one
fourth of an inch thick ; the upper 1 is %theTeamby the ferew
and nut' that fatten the Staple R, inland M under end isCafened to the fore
f* 'JSheat' four inched an'd'a hklf high from the upper fide of the Ground-reft ; the
- under arm of this Brace, or half S taple^ one foot and fix inches long, one inch
I and a 'half broad, and one fourth of an inch thick i lt is bent till i f bpars on the,
IvGroundJreft, and the back end' of it'is ’ faftened to the hind Sheat four pches
and a half up from the Ground-reft^ with'the ferew and uu^that fatten the under
.end of the^S feet and for inches lo^, four inches and a half
broad, and , an iuok , « S
H i b ack end, and an inefi at the fore Sheaf; the fore end of the Ground-reft
is made taper to receive the fock of the ihar«,
JJStud, rivetted on the Ground-reft, anfi the hook at the bottom of the Share-
I c, A fmall Wing, welded on the fore cud bf the -Hround-reft to fupport the
fore-end of the Breaft-plate. See Fig. . 4;
F IG .