0 H l
1 fSouj^.Was aplfece ®0a& !iie ^M M d r^ l& & ^ te p i-firpf‘ y^j-ds
in length', 3 <Si theTdiith1fideofnfi&|jMae-rd'ad M^ar^Tumiham^Gre^ March -26,
l^ijHpltelroad fblbbfEintfc.; -tPhe®p^fernMq.threG turns? Amending it,, which
was done^in nine minutes.— The jBMt Committees, of' Agriculture -and'Mechanics^
aftet ¥i&®0i patfe^jly laifweredltM ipurpofd’ of’
filling and levelling deep ruts, and recommended to the Societyi.to:give Mr. Pinch-
Md$agoM Medal/ Whfcte^aS' agreddW^^the feeieiy/ ^ ^ e /'t, isf y4. ,}
C H A P. IX.
A Defcription of 'm t: S t F r a I n S h itoS s “"M A C H I N E -for cutting
S T E A V?,
P L A T E i: n6i§ l b s I.
A PerfpeSiive View of the M a£c|h i ^ e, Jahen from the Front.
A, A fled Plate or Knife of the flia^e|pr*an §j .which , forms a double
XJL Knil^pfj a fpiral;vfofiji, enlOTgingitsjad^s^wfiip^il'three inches
.and a half at the axis, “ and one foot four inohes^^d A'hajf a||gS?t>oints, and is
one fourth of an inch thick on. the, back edges..,.,:;
B, A call iron Block, nearly the Ihap/l^he ;Knife ^^ts^extieme breadjth
is four inches and a half, and its extreme thicl^jiefs one-inch-and, one eighth :( to
this Block the fteel Plate or Knife is fixed, with eig^flaj^headed fcrfws.'
C, An iron Axis, two -feet nine, inches .and one' eiglnh .long, fr$m the
point of the fcrew at the fcrew at its back end :'«the
fore, end, of this As is, for the length of, fp,«rinehp.and a halfjjts'one inch and
one eighth fquare, pn which fquare the ^nife A„' the^Ely P , and Winch E., are
fixed : at,jhe end o f f q u a r e is a Shoplden.: or fecll^ .fqrtthe^nife to bear
againft : tins Collar is two inches diameter, and half-an-inch j:hick : fromjthe
back ?end pfthe Collan if forms a piyqt;one inch, anti 4 ball long!}?, and, from, the
end*of the pivot, it is made fquare, four Inches long, on which faiiare. theTum-
blers G and H are fixed with fcreWs : from the end of the fquare, one footfive
inches and a half long, it is oflagonal; and, from the end.cffthe%p<&gpnal p^rt, it
is three fourths of an inch fquare, for the length of tyvd/ inches ami a half; on
which fquare is fixed the fpiral Screw, or Worm' which^s one inch and h half
diameter: from the end of this fquare, itforms.theback.pivotand fcrew, which
is an inch and a half long, and half an inch" ‘diameter* „Note, only the fore pnd
of .the Axis is feen in this view. ‘
D, The Fly, whofe radius is one. r|oot. and, three inches: its Arms are, fe-
ven eighth/af an inch thick oftagonal .y, theExtremity o£each" Arm is, loaded with
about feven pounds weight.
E> The Winch : its radius is thirteen inches.^