ftpan inch'broad onjts periphery; which is perforated with finall holes for the
water to pafs', thiroogh^imto the fpiral-conveyance.
M, TheMbli'd1 End' ofvthe Axa^to xhichlis^hjfteried a winch, with which
the. wheel is turned rounds to Ihewthg experiment.
P L A T E t. F 2. ^
A View of the M A C H I N E , with its Side, laid ofen^tofheW the Circumvolutions
Wfef ffieySptral Conveyance, and the Holes through whicB the'fFa&fpajfes-into tht
- hollow Part:’df the '/Axis: &lv
i:‘Àjâo iRhépFêdëftâlv' 'od-.m .ajp-k» m <H;ojbpT f \ .
B, ' -The Crotchët.
. •bKÿtho^he’fGlâfe'Tül^èjift
I l É É The WhëèL: 7
M; l.t The{fblid End of-'the Axis. J
;ui^jsilsThfe î^utf'wièh which the platée and -wheel arépreflféd together. '^-
This Machine was examined hÿ the'iCorninittéé b f 'Mechanics,' whp was b£
Opiriioh that Mri Zéiglêrwas defewmg'oftho gold-medal of the Society for his
ingenious Spiral Water-wheel.’ -J Thfe''Cnm*ÈitÉh%%GSniiHendé'd/^ô®tIïêdS;0-
die^^lfd,1-to pfèfeht Mf;;VâItf%tëfï'With'the^raêiiét^ Iffil^WMedàl, IforJthe
trouble and expence he had Been atoiî %ôCQiunt of the' faid Machine^; tb -which
the-Society agreed;’ Jànüary'b^iiÿ6 8. ° L
C H A P. -dVioa
A flefcriptjau and Explanation of the Model of Mr. WhRTzs’s; improved- H Y-
D R A*U L I C M A C H IN \
V altra-vers, rEj§;
P L. A, T E II. D I ,V I .S I O N F I G , j , .
Af&rjplelivi 'Wie$ <fr%hl]imfBoved>'W'tiKZ%p‘ivBlch is otie Fool fipeti Inches D ia-
■‘Ameigl, rfwo BrtcWrBrodd, Md oHAI'nlh ahd-driKha^'%ilk2' !
A, A Winch,1- with which the wheel is turned: to’ fliew the futility bf the
i l machined'7
B, , A Curved Brafs Tube, foldered to the hollow end of the axis of the
wheel; -and -to the-inder tnSft end of the fpiral tube G.
C, A