I ..
three quarters- tJiicK.,. t\T-h’e back
exchifive*lMts tenons ; three inchgsframM spartef broad's- affd^^bjfndhes and
a quarter .thick.',., 4
- Fj, A■* Ouagp,-fr a r g e - . ' ' e o r t n h in u h ffiprt molts, tmort^fed^nto ’the
fore-railjE, •'and c^pped^iSh a ood nine -inpH.es'? and eight-tenths
Icing, andathre’e , itches., and a qparfer^yoad'^its uppeHifaffa.ee--,ia^thirtSe~n
inches and aniumaSove^ the ffotj^pn^bf the ftandafds A, A.*.*.*Kach ofithpjCe
^^uj^piMt^oftsis,fpur inches and an half Mngs-.three,jiJehesiarpa’d^and^eight-
tenths of afi' ^ncW- thicki ri^his-!<|Gauge-f^a)rievh®ht^'j^thaee,-^a^es^,-- whl)fe
fulcrum, or round -.iron' fpindle,j paffgSv,ithiiQugh their-jfore eM'%i^-whieh *gre
guided byJ&he fSjjir ffioft poft|fbrfore^en^one(fe»|J
6 , G, G, Three Treadles, the two outerinoft of whieS are^lsernatefy fo$e£d
down, by thfr fcct'of 'thc/IioC.a-^-tOigiC^-d-tfetrpgi id'sdnotfcsth id t-lfe ilur .wlfecl K,
the llur-box R> &c. tb wftielrmey are fcohriedted'by the edr^'b;mj''iSnd d '.d.-jJ-The
middletXrgadl^is, t^.^ded, to the under -balance .frame Hr f,Fauci -the, predfer-bar
Y Y , by the jointed tods g, g, a, r,i, ana-c^cT ' This, TreWlq^^Mnotio®» rc^ffig
linkers-, ftSytirames, &c\ Byffieatrisidf thd rods ^jC^-pdhi^ejSed toSSie ^jbihtiluftods
'grtpi See Fig. 2.
H, -The under Balance-frame, ’-whofe» iron fijlefunte f j f; o.r-centers-o'f1 mp-
tion, .pafe through the arrias^P the faid Balance-frame an.d the jpofts B-, !B, to-which
the center-pinsfi 1,- are lafteneffwiEh "fere’Ws ~afid" nutsr ” ’“H’FBti*©ti-ly ?one-oF-thefe
pins is feen in this view of -the malehine.
I, I, Twp -wooden Rails, one ip the bask, itp^djher in-ithc front:,-' in the'
latter there, ^rtjtwo drawers to keep'fmall. tq|^s|®Th,e fipnt RaiKis-tu enfcy inches
hnd a quartet dong-, "fexclufive oFife tenons'; 1 three, inel^sjahd\-t4m-tvi«llths bfoa'd,
and two inches-and a> quarrer fhjck^ The bacl^Rai-l isYwUnty mc’life s’-ai?d a dpi after
long, three inches“ and a quarter bfoad-,’ and fwo inches randl aiw-t^elft'h^Saick
Both thsfe Rails. are moftiled into fhS polls B, B; eadiijr ’"them haying an iron
plate ferewed to their uaps|' in which ’thfe" fpindle df' the ffur-Sivfieel R, «tiaras.
N.B i The front Rail arid one or the^lrbuplates, orfly‘ 'ardfeeii'iriHhis view w"the
.. The Slur-wheel,. isTeventeen.'inches diameter,'aM^^^'ilich thi«S,«with
a deep grooyejop its;pe^phery to receive th em uP ihe sc^: ' on the ihfide'^'SuS
Wheel, there is h gfooVed“pulley'for the\ri|mleieords ^h, o. * This l^ftr-wneel^is
fupported by its fpindle or axis, in the iron plates affixed to'the rails T, I.
| 1;,. The Axis of
M, The Lever, 'or Handle,* of ihe -Gaiter-backs.
N, OCi-'®i&:Pe®llqs. ..j],
O, The jafekst '
yti TSHf fahh^hfru-di
Q> ’isoTjhpfftontT^ldy-jbar^* •
-- R , sdo2Bh©#hufebiax dnd, SJur-bar. jSee Fig, 2. Pla^efl.,
c H i
S-terrieggwfe-iby^h|fefg}theTfalling-bar P. is ra#d or .deprefled,
{$. • T , 9*',V* iTjhe Slur fimjtadp: bluf b ir, SherFig, 2 , .3, and 4, ■
01 SP! ntdr4-to^'thf %ierpc rdicularV platdg %of - the linker and
llaf^ib^ifraate.- j T h r f^ |migsj feryq togffx the ftardcra^s* when 'the falling-baf
P , jfc itdbi fcT;p1 o jot? wiic i^h' t‘. t ^ ’
^PJWth>,i^j^h’41^bcMrigsbSr7^^JK|0l¥)§cM^%hfebl]^rii%i#’<^f|he jadks, ’and
jpaafes tliemi up,‘ - Whent'tlieMriat e'bepn forced ’dow’n jby1' tbe‘ llur-box *R &c. See
Irdtt#ii^%\wi'^ila^ho'ld in#a4hl'of thfefii' for',the hooks and
^G-lfi'ins^§bpti4pddi t6 *t-li^’eiftei^-bae)k^^'d.^'p§e^|^l. 3 a-ri rlMf ;?•>
^ X, ,X, Two h\ed Iio'HiPrtc ^'m"eadrpfi|w1iicvli thou M a; long inortile. and
gl^rew.to regqkte^tlie depth- of - the? iaek^/|& - See' ®i^??*^and j . ■
Y Y , The Preffer-bar. See Fig. a and 3.H
0 .Z, z | The Sinkers, Mifelfei^g. |
» | W f sAn l^rt.Ro'd^c^npteited LO'ihc.balauec-ftam'e;.' middle' tre’adle, pulley
;\V',$>&C. \Spe, Fig*'’2uflld 4.
t b, b, v y-w o f o y M i y hcd tb#tVc‘t'W o oulcimoltjt^aaip's,^ and the groove
giiflley: ^•©ii^tlm ifnillCvol'f^lfe »llur-wmlc^^K. pra-nd-’4. '
Rods? >5«y.iRoQ:ed'St<-^l,terfe^rrba^flft’^-^ramp',? ahV the'
^pririii6,fi tfee b^lanqe-frapie,H, \&c:^ ,,
d, d, Thc‘ Slu,iU^]e"»/ See- Fig. 2 andfgsAd
Two | f^^(|ula^^ms,^^^^lmq^^oytwhiejiir> Ih'e'-hofe is
rfa-ftengd. ;(,j
*■ - f,’ f, Two %0^jpltaYor C^nter^ias, wltb’winM ‘tbeia^ance-^-afne H
^cotrfre.fteda.t,(3.7the.prinsipaltpQfts B, B. N. B. Only Ane, o f ihdfe Pins.is feen
in ih ijy iC ^ o f »the .maGjiine.j,.-
tk fg> g> -T^jp; jointe^ Jrqn Rods," tp wHif&wWflat;rqjs’i,'-i, ?arb:Jfa«ehe'd
with rqubd-heap^lromc i^ r Thefe.Rpd^are connell.editqdib middle'treadle,'
%ay-fr-ame?l, add|preffer-bar,' as 'UoTore-mentioned. \*
ji, h, gTwq Ii;pn Platps, (fixeid to -the ?w p ^ en'‘ rails I, ijV’Jn wHicb. the
Hnp.dle‘of the nuri-wK^fK, tu i^ * “ Onl^ orie; of theffi^Iron Plates as© feen
in th is^ew^gtheother bd^gdaftened'tq ^tFeback rail, reprefented in I^ig. 4.^
, i, 1, The,,Iron Rods^|®f "the p^fe-ffiar,^^. are,.flatted ab.,their upper
ends^jtq which the preffer-bar Y Y, is faftehed with two,pound-headed ferews.
See Fig. 2.X
'■ k, Thereat,- on which theihpS^M^^tp work,.js^wp^,feet long, tnme
inches and an half broad, and fey&n-peights of an iiich** thick.
dT l, l,' ‘ T-wio moveable Iron Staples^homeady the-'-ends. of the fahing-baf P.
m, ,m, Two Iron-Staplfes, driten into^herraiI ;-I,* j o gui^e andlteady the
Irttds ij.ii t
n, n, &c. Four Scrgw-s and ]^uts7 (on eath lide. .of tbev^ame) by which
the machine is fattened to the"polls B, B. om Fig. 2, 3, and 4.
0, 0, Two