I M 3
O,. : .ThevjAdJbr'o'f the: 'pmidiiijand! 1, I> &c.
- p, ydjus; p^ft^afedlceveir, whidv works tiie vgntrlatQri :
: .{pj. . hi BraffC©Met' aiidi center. Pin, with which the. lever is; fixed, to the
& f t R.
3&R, \ A P(iftr-t®wMeh th^k|r^<af fete ^lidkiitot i®€xedi.;r
,§' An Iron Nut, with ;whjch the fulcrum or'ce’nter pin of the lever is
ffiiethtO tro pdK.5 1
T, 'One of. the Brafs Cocksy M Vhieh the fttlcrttm of the arched lever
turns. L
C*tT* o^|he! Poljf.
V, A rckind1 jhancfle1, withpfhi’cj/ the'i'qvdr?^ i f worked tib $iew the different
®‘w\eineut%ti& tshe machines -
H w y. v A.vfa^lre'd^ieGe '©ftfWosdy ,to avqhich iAe model of ,the tnaehinej ^and
th e-<perp©ndieufar®oft R, ate feed.
P L # 0 * E "G'j ^
<, ,Aj The archedxLevpr. ,
. B,_ ’ idT-he agfeifed h v the. afche(lde ^ &\-\
C, fif^he Spur-Wheeh ttet( ailuat^s the pipiqn/^fiy,
Af Ratehet-fWheel, f^ened to the; fput -^hefel, D,
K E , A Ratchet AVlieel, m te e^ a r t^ s of an» inqh diameter*
K^Gr, * jflic Click ot the i;atdiet v |
H, A Pjpio1i||p fc 0 l/'
|K iE ^ S ^ ~ T h e j t e |
* K, y'Tfhe Spring o f the chek rachet .-wheel1 F.
L, . *Tne Click of the, racfed?|w.heel’ F. t 3g
M, !m ; *Tpro 'Pinion .ofteyn the ftaJnf/and the Other at the hack
of‘ the» fput wheeh B ; ^me‘fe~Pinions are feed on^one arbor, and’ are conthe
fpur vlfetelst Br Jted; D, as 'tefe|e-h^dntipfted^
- 'An'droA'^od,^c?mh^pd-tq Sic,fcrarfk.O, and the lever P.
Q, ’''B'fafe- Cblletj with which thdrpetforated lever is fixed to the
poll R f
R, ThePoft. ;,r
, 'S, The Nut of the* efettfer'i'pih, m F d fe u t fo f the perforated' lever.
T , T, ',f ‘'fS^q;>’Brafs Coiks,' 'which fuftain the fulcrum of the arched
§ps$t','' „ ^ TK£ Cap qf the 1|pjll|||
■ I V, A