t 1
ÉSeflïdil^JtljStiijptlrig'itQi xHKdto al^lhtlïgfwhöïe weight
Sdls, ai®ft'fe8 ötfe'rpö wetéefy' fbri üf3e <bê Eg*jtfal tófêhë^dl§httfaÉ^iÉI$4't4b€^
weighÖ|t Thfe ,h$%w-invfeKt©d ï^mil^^feefoAeïniBHBïsdtci^ '* ë 'itl©s|^efceï'f-{<èe
föMi tiió^Jjaööas»èhi%tófsi; hliSaeh-^pMigj 7fflu^¥ige^afily
thé foliowj^-SÖ^EarvaSisStóE ifarid
B* axeoéapaibfe ? GÉ' 3foftMtti&gp 4te cfoifïttKÏfï14" dö aai« fhackle F ofithipwp&ng
B, th® ifptóïg HL ^Cbl^W&gMj hSBfcl i^üSa?
«firmlywombd np with the fpring B ; aft^i4fïïl^itifyr;gCöléépt'-*afflii^p#ffl®ge0¥é®4S
fail, th^^é^^E^otótó'fupport the bödy o f 1 the*' cÉmagëij '%ith&ut Vaiw%l(%ra-
tion in the pofitiöif o f 'it ; ' ©rlÉfltild tothforiiags 'happen foffraijh~fhë ’&|i||jjfcs
F, F, ’with the braèël^ woüla r S upon thè dürved fopp<3ftWs-E,^Ê/;,va'n:d'':^ e
body öf .thê carriage rèjnaïSt7 p^fo^-y^pfight^^^^and^l^irfer 9
-N. B. The play of t^djpnngs<$ali% tegqdatqd fej^attÉp^fegghnS-.thé
temper ot’ elaftic powir of them rê|^lated.giby lengthérnfig^dfi c^^atfting*
D j ‘■ SiiÜ^Ij Ij 'i %é °^M€bM h£ J^ögS-^tta "fthcKj^^të^homrieifbedi
.A model of 3Vfo. Jacob’s carriage-fpr.mgS, iffd'?alfo a-iet bf large fptiïïgs of
hhè ïaSSë fcofêftWiïfkteity ‘tiéWdft'iöfe in :u fssamfodd
‘by-thé Committee "bf Mechanics, 'wlMsda&bJi éfptatefft&a&Jttrê a|pfi§a'^èa»f
th e :^ftögs, ;ifl”Mr-> J^sfob% - Jtf4ïehlr carriage, is hss$f-- isSffipfej hirfggi&ous„'3 nd
fafe: they refolvéd, therefore, to recomnïchd»5f?0 tM^ SfergLcïy, thaK&w'drLty
■ gühüeas-fee'jgi’wM to Mf. Jaêèbp hb h&vihg hi'S nsefeh t^EhBtkb'^MetyTo^iiie
Ithe piïblifc ‘{ m ^hiefc: ~thei Sdtiety7tagf^d.
€ H : A ' W*
oÜ^St«Am$.Xïd&jfc Miv0oh*
_r.; JirfhBed- j J'acMii’M
F I G. r.
W ^ 0 m m .■
-A, / 1 ':H E 'l?edfcftai^ a f Seoek ©£ the Jafek, ''lb; t^o ^èetHtwö ®i(^s' ilèng>
■*■ 4ihvëft yiieHes-bröadj iafid'-fstfr'iflchés and three Épcaritdrs thick ; dn
%hfcinid<fie ©f-thife Teddtal tli&ré &fa roti'nd hole ö-ne -inch and feVen-eigfeths