' 1 l
’ ifr W, 'fli^Sarl-a.rlffs^'A'rre fbOT4ohg,-$/^ffarf&Sr..®P1lfi iipsh tMi^ncth'©’
ilfch it el%JIBSftd.:;0‘
’ lPwftfid^ffi|tk||^ffln^l^0t#^Ji»,8h€SOaJldiMkthaillf |on^1, «n3i<aj
(fifift^fW^ad^ifeSh ?<^at&; Hftdfe -iVuftdldS a¥e4Mert eebitfitfoo4ketfiote »Vi:*Ai*
vS^Si^fir^fix ^aGR^^nef^31$^ ifflrai an0)VaiP3h5d#i:a©itii^fi &t$ejSti%ptA*herk
they ipe|inferted into thennggir fail-arm.
Y? Y j fefefvdeF!0ri0S¥, two inches and an h alfllong/f»sic&tfi&-eig(fckh
and one^fixteenth ofjian dnch- Miametercp-fehdfeteptSfca^ aredinfgtteiP ifi&§a «he!
wiiii4?sf'p81e^;';t ^ M s -m t ^ " t ^ fwiHd-to^att'y<:|3®^i:i':i0:^ &©• cbi®paf§0; »gndj h y rth e
atSfieH 0 t»%ri%iiid, •atid-ffiiifdlSfi.letf «obtains-}iiwsK
g{llV¥T§ffi^ciHot}6n;V' aM-tltlfto4mbap offtrunks >i|aifed wittdtfapFiE^ffisrtloii'ikflb
to*4hBfiOTce;b<f tBte? *$ind>-thait UMo* fay^iif;lit iblows/mgentle: galprcrfhmufid;
- plffi^or Sftb *fMd’ tMifikg-'wi^Mw^git^edgtif tt itiff.’ galtsplthfc mail will hlcKne
.i^ie'ttf^SB^Pndife'^S^'Sfidr by* tha t "hlgansqgive mnotiotiutp asIgreafcdP‘ nu«Bteer
of ’fatidrtrunks,,J whofe weightiwilbcountal^ad \ th'e> dfar e e^ofeth’c?w-igdjo as>:be.-
i8fc-h}rchti6hed.x; ■1
.;L m | ^ J ©.vj
st;gjibsiAifSifl&HJ Water..andirSapd :Tfriihka^rifchpig dimeplipnS9fjTjffj-
&c. explained in Fig. i. See the letters I, K,l3i%o.4?e^|J;
-3b#P ( Saad-Txiuhky jorf4d®eer,>iwifbrita fixed'J)otfoip.)S7(:
adt^fp^nrilrobfl^rtfflegifaftemed to the lides of the forcer, or fand trunk.
sdd,yc: ThelBrafs f^alsre^.jfa'fteiied' to-the bottom; q%h^iTOtftri*?!WfOritj ■»
As this^pyentipn ,is auite new, fimprn,^‘ingenious, aftd cfpsraWprim^Hj^I
ineot, the ^ociety «refentea Mr. Merrymm^witn a rubber mpdal^Febthary
26Ll- -i
n w | v i i . ;
}4kyE$pM&i& 'iif We A F P A;RrA T U - S&të/Mlby- ihe^-D u t ch , iti-thFturbot^and
'Cod Fijhèry ,. Vj
A^rAi &e.';; ; f i 'Annëd Mms5f Wade-1 e#' ehè bèftcarotidrials j :ahdm:s :pMai*j||
X poffible, fo-as not to-he fubjedoto kink; they .are.from
fÓffyltö' 'fifty- fathoins long' each: fixtèen of the Lines are under: the ca®4 of
each üian of the crew, which generally confifts of tén hands to each rveffel.
B, B, Sec.