I J g I
F I & ; 2.-.
A Geometrical Plan of ; the P l o'd d ir. ' ■ ;f!
The Beam: '• a r '■ ■ fStih
The fide Brace.
The Mortife in the fide'of theBeam, hoi feeh hi'this view of the Plough.'
, The iron Guide of the Coulter.’; 1 See Fig. 3—
i, The two WaChees. “Sep H | fl£
The Coulter. See more plaiS itf Pig, it, and 4.
. The Cat-head, forming a portion .of a circle, as defcribed in Fig. t.
The Bridle, or Tug-frame. See Fig. 1.
The Center-pin of the Bridle. ' Sa^Pig. 1.
The taper Pin,* that fixes the Bridie to the Beam an a propef dire&ion.
The iron Hook, by which'th^ Plough is dra^h^ See Fig. 1, and 4.
s ‘The Share, deforihed m;Figl^|| and 4.; ' j
The Mould-board. S e e .F ig .a n d ‘ ;
The Fillet, defcribed in 'Fi^.!'^^ '
, The iron part of tbe lert1 Handle. Sc?8 Fig. r.
The wooden part of the left Handle. Se'e Fig. i , and 4.
The iron part of the "right Haridle. I " Sed Fig.:?1T, and 4.
The.Supporters of the right Handld; -'Sed -Fig;.'';^ iarid 4.
| The wooden part of the right Handlef; (KSde'Pig; 1, arid 4.
The iron Trundle. See Fip; f, ~ririd“4.
The iron Strap, or Staple. See Fig. iy rind 4 .:
F I ‘G: 3.
A Plan, of the... G uid e, with one of. its W 4 she e $.
The Guide.
The hind Wafhee.
P L A T E II. F I G. 4.
A PerfpeEHnie View of the Land-fde of the P lou gh.’
The Beam. SeeFig. 1, and 2 . 1
The Side-brace. "SeeFig. r, and 2.
The Mortife in the fide of the Side-brace.
The Guide. Note, only the fcrew and nut of it are feen in /this yjejw.
One of the Wafhees.
The Coulter. See Fig; 1.
The Cat-head. See Fig. r, and 2»
H, The