WM m
t p ij i»
{i ^ # 4 Handles, -M »lfcete|hi$e* ''faiches long, and: four inches fquajre,
at the‘bottom: with-thefe. »handles the inftrument Is directed, and fet.to any
d ^ e d f or left,;%r both.
si,;F 1 ::)© | 8§ Ri -E j , IL
‘A "Profile ^ foA ^ rd efBilffs,' Handles, &c.
‘ ^heiCotamWef of' AgriM&Ure examined tUU inftrument, and was of opinion
3 M r .S j^ ,ftfe fe r^ ed ''4 bounty of hfctr guineas, on condition he would.
K M i ©hthe HkithiPlbugh, .an&nfee model pf the Thiftle-Cutter, as
thhf®&iMy’^property>; tWhich the Society .agreed, March, 16, 1763. *I
- G H ,A ; P. mm
I ‘ ■DouM® I*® ^ R ^ OUGH.
Fig, 1. Plough/'
A, r p H E S h a r e , * bcbes broad,
i • rifmg with an! anghla|-'^eftaor( t|e .my'd^of Its .upper fiirface.
' 1 itS
breadth • is three lnehesjlt the hlad’ef. ^ H
inclkiingSq the horiz^n' about mches
I B from, the M M to jthe inner, fid|.pf the mortife.
";_C , .^ S h a f e ^ c e , . a n d Hoo|;,,with an f r o i^ J ^ o r wedge; driven
throUgha mortife, jn^the.„upper B B S >•.. j |B
D, The fBreftplatie ; its hodghtfrom th^e lhare to it^ upper or angular
pbint! its breadth at the
top, is f^urlnphes^ aqd ^ e .lp t tQ m , inchnp^ to;the horizon
aboutTortyjftve degrees. .1 . | ..*• . ’ , ~ .
E "E The Mould-board, ©r Iroii Vfmfr, are eighteen^ches and an>.
jjg lf ’broad o n ,their upper; ends,, nipet^n ifpnhes and an half^broad at % i r
under “efids,..and one quarter of,an inch,thick., ,, , jH , ‘
I -The Beam, is f i*% & nine to the
B E ns M M B Wm I S M a I g lg
by three and a quarter, B the g j | § | K W m lSf mfert"? | g |
the heam-poft H. ‘The whole length of the p lo d # from the fore end of the
beamjtQ,the ^
G . The Sheat, is J:wo feet two b}4c f e long, | | § inches and an hah
broad, and one in'ch and an half ;f e | 0 s back ed®e is eleven S S e S