I ' O F ■
A G R I C U L T U R E ;
,£;0;M R R.'E.H'E.t'l J
D e fc r ip tio n s a n d E x p la n a tio n s o f th e fe v e r a l P lo u g h ^ a n d Im plem ents
o f H u jb a n d ry , r ep re fen ted in th e C op p er-p la tesfep \tp annexed.
C H A P. I.
A Pê'rfpeEli’tie View of Mr. Charges LtöxVs G YD È'fe r;«tó M A L T -M IL L «
F j & m 'fpüVco&er Pofb; eighteen fëjpt aiid fix
J[ fhoultf'er^q ^bhldVf o f th eir temp, arid hupiliclW fqfllfre:
thefe Pofts are framed ipfl^the grqundfel and cap-fill.
B, " "One pf'The Pofts"cthaff^^lftT*n Partiïfop:' this Póft is* eighteen^ fe^: fix
mche§ lonjg, fix inches abroad, and fo^inclils^and a half'fb^^ïraflléd >into the
Sground'fel afid cap-fill riltie feet” fetfÜf inches and ‘a? ‘half ftböf the-' end of thé
M l . r ‘ ^
d 3- C f f ^fié'Girded of'ffic febónTff lóbf' p e framed ifito"the Pdffe-A and B,
Jténf feet' arid" fik riftdlés"high iri tHe^clfear ï thefe Gitdets are fix inches firbad, add
four inches'.and a half thick*
D, ' 3 A?èfic^aVTfe?fbrmj and eigÉf\mHE^3ïatn?rér,5'‘and one-foot
aVid eigffi ftlbHes'deèp,* hhvib^' ac^foOVe round it, j8i& fevrin inches tfia^-
meter,|> foot broad t at .the bottpm^glrind one |dOt ahd^ira^ inches broad On' its
dipper farfaCé.' '
,J' E, A StiMie Rólïéfj ’'föüi^ftét'' di^fiiétCr; mcfi^ |{&k! ddgè, '.&d
‘a ^ i é% i i é É Ba f i f f ^ n th f £ ' f %é^dlfescd f ? fÉ * óti ;Sh.§B5s -ts^ ‘lé ë t'an d jj®
V ol.' II, B ' 3“3 - ' inches