. & H .A Vt ‘ XIV. |
Premiums Î R 8 Î A B L A C J.
T T having beert: dflbevered that a vccyi cnriotrs manufacture o f Thread: Lac«
* has'bçen made with knitting-neécRès ; and that a great variety of flowers,,
.and patterns’erf various forts, may he formed with knrtting-nebdies ;■ the" Society
offered a premiumaf ThirtyGurneasy to the perfort who flkmld produce1
the grbateft quantity of clear, fine Lace,- "of this fort, not lefe than "fix' yards
in Mj^,^aad'-tw^ïl^«.isda#§$lr h ^ in width.
| The ’candidates- ' for this ïrênuum, were, ; Mifs B'oufton, of Bean’s court",
St. Martin’s le Grand; Mifs Whitefide, pFLaheaftbr; and Mfs TJbfdbriypf
Folkflone, Kent® -
Cn^fc A. ’ V f ïjX ^ )
Premiums for •ƒ C H I P H A,, T
AS, C,hip Hats were, Co.tnp time. f i^ j . iinpojtedin^^i;#tr q^n^tips,,fr©n|.
Italy,^ a worthy member of. the Society .ajâdwusijlj growing,
prnpfjr ipfn^îrtipp, ip every refgedt, relating t-p this. aS. k, appe,^^
t^at;WÇ.a#n.it^Üy' mpf vrety confiderable filma. tQj foteigÇ^SSjj.ïÿr, .j^ais.
m^aufadjire»- and. that. it. fuirnQied,- typpioym.en^ fp£ •$. great number. of wo,-'
men and„ children, tfcft a6bfe. member^ above-mentioned, repr efented it ,tpî
the Society, as aî}: pbieâ, worthy qf thçir nftt£gç.:. ^oçpiyijpgly», îh tak.em
iptp,„CQnhderatioa^ and fhp rri^niifa^iire epeouragied^ prt WUinS and.h9?tn"
yea??.I& tok U and. the ean4i^at:^-"^ho oht^^e^dhe13!1^
u pdpf-witten.
Mas. Mayer, afld., 8
Mr. B-enj#W^ §hî0», of Qldïîïiyeeî^, LpttdQit*’
f . y TL H ». f ";t>- *•: XVL
Various' ‘S’orfs ^KfMhterials t'dk'en frwnthe^Ste ' rnP li mn g- l r e e , ‘ ‘ 'drt’d Manu-
e, pi^Vri-LAeir, K nFt ‘t Ing*,1 CkftDLB*
'^yicic's,cpc.*/? 4*,' * , '
THfe-'Socic^- lravin^^%yOc)vrftbhf Mr. ^ an^ a y ,' a Taifijife, of ’a fabric*
—f^u.iT^o \jp:n r’ c^Mbti?, br6lawn;1 mafnuH6fuVe‘d, ’ £s is‘JfQppofed, (at
^bar, ^M^f-We'Philipih§TlflMs)^roin the,fl6#M& fiiattef 'df th^f "pMhtingtfee.
..... ... '
, This' bmo'ulP ©tSdai®J#assf ir^^otf^l^fifci^yi^Bgtet-K'ef with fpfedf1
loins bfhhree'di&^eht^fdrtT'bf mfa't'efeBals takfe’fMi^® thfe-fteftr bf thi^fdanfeing-
luree : *fche fiifl,;itf ajipcaKihce','1-. lfke’hfeihp,’ pi.cmtok fax. "the fecohd'dike
hard filk,fIn^dfth e r t^ O ie^ ^ b ^ r t '^
^^^fe'm^terialJwE|eVorkedfhY Mr/Wirfiani Baild^mfef the ’vafibu's' fbrta
foMpdufaftures, befere-n^ f m | l .‘ and, a^tln (/mu®|e|^fJMdMfe6lhre8
"was of^opinioVtl&rthe,idrpnfj^ti()Ti rn'diitaLhiu"ii^‘ ol die iairtmaterials,
ijjprp highly worthy dl the nttc.ntr<jl>jc|jb r t b c » h^oial lai^e premiums
^^re offered, l^ ^ e ife ' our dngaiious^^n\itacl\nVs;^0 try xdiat advantage
S u ld ,b e bi.ade of this\-t|i»y^y ^'.‘but^W^ere .n^hitliLyio^bcen only one
Mery fin all parcel .faW^^ferialil ltrfp^lid, "and: that ^|eatly damaged,
no farther advances have been n£idc ni tin ^ifhhi
G/ H A t P. ~' XVM^h
\ 'BÙàntiÈs fof f S ^ |R I N’G # ffr ‘^AêuffédM^jîfUMMJ'n
I T has* been intifnated fév*eralbtin\ei-.tb thé Sfooiet^l ^h'kî^e masking ftrings
..for muficl|fnftrument§?wpjild,be^é rnbanà^fee^ploying, a^grcaît numbdr
ôf'|hatidss -an’d b f cirtulhting > GOnfideirahl&v&mS.bf^,i^(0n&yi > 'adetong ou.rfbw'n
.people : thé* '^èie'ty^èlfcrfl, ièhbh^fels’fehiswdftiifling an'iaffàir to ^efniè Under
thëii> ébnfideratioü ; tbutr onfurtfeerlen^iairy,» fçüftè, that the Tupis'i annually
paid tfetf^reignets^br ©his^ aJ^H'^^^fJeatily, exceeded wîaiat- th &y -aü. fifft
'•appreh'^dedcofil ^S^thereforb thought? âdWeâMsdb ÿÿo^ifeara proper* perfon,
‘ër’ perfo’nfs^ëd.fet.bnbf^t^jSfe^feÊbér^rbÉ' eatgti|j>.(a&-it is çsâl^d^dûithis mè-
•'trôpolis': âbèordiog!lÿ,«by:the aiiiftan’ce ■ ofiaffi Ii^lià^npiiîcian, a man and* a
W'oinan wèrë*pr&%ti¥bcl, 'Who hadbeeti.-leveralyfea.rs employed inytfais bufinefs,
M •' ' : ;and