^ 'wood fOTfes^gfkp faften to the docy.
. Cj (J,^ Tvlo amcmeat;4 'd^lJs ^n3pAb«m^^w^aa&ieMttilh^^'-l^iig,-
»hernS^ their Thanks,* indiCatcdlby the. dotted4^ ^ S ‘j;*„the-cpdn e l :
their-diameters-p y thfeerfeurths, ofeankneh. ‘;i-djhe|e.Gm^efits aleilradikof
eafi: brah, turned in a£ lathe, and fitteiPtiglit inlfo the JVfekefcs,* tovrehu^^^y
, are-eeix&fi-t^ci'Avith loft foldei,.
IS*/- A fixed Ratchet Roller^ andofix-eighthgifofisah ifech h$ag,
teeliifi.Vet of' itstihdrtt'cyhhder^^'gudgfe©«, Tp'ffehis fi*SedTRhfehet-[Roll^{ is-
llgfegted Sinfo »We locket’ o^f^he^' under .^and faftSrred; 'pherekooWith
f©%' ’faHdrpt hnd. an iron fan thraugfit .the1 koekdr/andt djdiHdeEp'asflrepi-efdnEed
in HigiifidisI
T®»'" rA fpirai Steel; Sprin^fiitterfc'dAhb rftfc Xbcket Afj^OtWaa'd orworm
is ifonr-twqlfth&iQf'. an inchfbroad,!, and. ednfiteaofefisteefifiekluxnycilfiticajkreSe
tending.ififomcdne- end ta#heb«itsherdef ftfrbe- 5£acke*^:^ upperi effidoliakapped
w.titian; iron plate;,in whiehf.tHereuis-ia Ttfuaheuhole tdli'ceeimll,'' „ th&dharrk
of the ratchet -roller E ‘y * this fhank Tuftains th©jaip^.efc.eiadu®Sntte JS^ew/^anji
prevents^ it ftamitufpjijg.1 in thee ib&kefckwhen it;iiartaktx;aged vby the/:md[virag
foqket-A, with.' the qpepitfg* of fb^.dnnr.i. *
■ Spindle or, Axis of tke/ifick ^ r ikkyRa' f e thr<au^k^"fmall hole
m&enu t o^ the click, j>roje&i% three ltScentl^bf an u t li ic io n J it and
feftened-ttrThrdrxeTd’wing ir tk ftw V Tm ilf^ ^
tion of the click-fpring Di
H, A finall Steel Clamm lef in even with the 'furface^ofjthafixed^ihg,
and riveked thereto as aftay%d the Xpnn|-, jg f . - “
I> '4 The cCyjin^er^ or, Gudgeqj^jyoE thev,yppqr-en^ d f .phe^atebe^
roher, is inferted mto'the mouth of the‘Upper fo c^M ,* I g ip H x l i s ^ocket
is fupported on the ihotdder of the underjfocket,; and'4he upper end iS k i c
cylinder I, which, wjth its wing, &c. is fattened tOuMe^do^cSfe, andl'&he
gudgeon or center..on which it turns.
K, The Shank of the Cylinder^ fix inches three-fourths long, ,and four-
tyelfths,,df an inch thick; the Shank paffes through the fpirai fpfinAand its
fpcketfj deavi^gjajfmaUfinteival between the Tprihg and the Shank.
k , v> The uppeff^pdwof fhe Shank, is ’flatted and prop'ek^jfitfted' t&ntfie
fquar^e hole in the&apj dfc thie Spiral fpring F ; | g ule-is ftn.prevent .ehf fpring
from turning in its focket whdn a'dluated by the opening of the door, which,
motion^ is. counteta&ed by .the elaftic power of'the. fpring; " which lelaftic
P PW # ia y he made #ieafeW*Ms accordingtaskhe fpring S ia ifijt or. twitted
up by me ratchet-roller and its click.
»'.iM»6b The r Mouth, or under End of the dooti-focket/* &c. turns onhthe
SHITffv igod. -pf tile cylinder I* retting .on: the Ihoulder’o r ] upper end’ of the
•feed door-caXe focket and wing N.
N, The