8 M a 1
Defcription- and explanation of>Mr. BuifrojyV^aGhin&jiprfgripdiEifca^p:^-
ing.gkfs!, tallen from -model Spade, tq a f^tó;{p.|^Q^gMiIchn^o;/„a .|pot#
"£P ^ 1 \2.
B H i i A- F.- H w H :
Defcription of Mr. Pinqhbefck’s/o'rane, > $jpg -n- alud'-ginntdt rolTfHhmsiifS
C /H ^ A l P. TlV.l
Defcription and explanation of the model of Mr. MftrteaV Hydraulic machine,
’ prefented, to the Society hy Rodolph Valtravers, ,Efq< - 15 1
: C H
Defcription and explanation of the .mo^dflr pf Mr. Wirtz’^^ro^^MJ,‘hydraulic
machine, prefente.&^^A^®iS^ietsy .by-^pdolnh Valtravers,
I . - - W j j | £ | ibid
C H A-' P. VI.
-Defrsiptipa and explanation of Mr. Metryman’s h^aulhcsnlach!inef~' 154
C H A P . VII. "
Explanation of the apparatus uftd by '1p|e! Dutch tin^tbrT turbot anfrtcbd
5,;tfifhery, « ' v;tf&
The method of laying tfteJjn&Sy. 1 ^ e* „ * k* ^ ' { 157
I €, :jh ';A -p . I p H j jB
Defcription and explanation of Mr? William Bailey’s machine "for boring, au'-
,ger-holes whi©b may^be~o£-.great ufe to dhip and~h©ufe-builders,” *comhioli
' carpenters, mill-wrights, wheel-wrights,' and ptunp^makers ; .and .,alfo for
boring into the ground for ,the difeovery of minerals, &c. « 159
C H A P. B H
Defcription and explanation of Mr. Phinpas Cooke’s new conftru&ed fpiral
■ ahger, y - - - 1613
C H A P. . X.
Defcription <and explanation of Mr. Elandfprdls pump., Lgu / r§#
1 H A P.
€ p A E. XI.
TPtefcription andexplanatilpn of Mr. Delivitz’s doorhjngey - Page 165
s^<r -H.'JA .'P. x i i .
< Defcription and explanation of Mr. Jofeph; Jacob’s new. cbnftrudVed. carriage
|ip||rMg'S, 1 /&'' *■ 1 „i - 167
H , Ajj|P. | XI;H.’ .^
Defcription and explanation of;;; Mr. Abraham Staghold’s new eonftru&ed
f < ~ TT . iu. m. t 11 ^ ~ 168
Defcription and explanation o f the A e^* P r* |fd£S’s ventilator/ 17a
iVtQ. ,h , a yps
Defcription and explanation of ,a machine for ventilating mines, taken from a
model'prefented to the fociety by KesgreTitzgefald^ Efq. F. R; S. 173
M 0 j g Tf i H , A ; N Ë : <D S ■ ; ' '
(Imnprehending g Jhort Acepunti^ L jë ^ k \ ^ W { \ ^ l^ ls>ti 9nd other- IflachineS in thé
Sociëty^ldy^Mtopy, aspafeynolmi delineated.
\ g u a p .- l
, Short account of an hand mill 'for grinding of corn,,by Mr. John Gordon/175
.U p ; H A ,P. n IJ. ,
ShoAfaccounb ó f a'fiêel'i"iéil|cfof grinding.cornyv by.Mr. Peter Lyon, ibid
^AG FI - A P. III.
.Short acCounl-of an' hand’ mill for grinding corn, by Mr. Samuel Parfötts,
$ * R H I ;4 s s f i»'*
è C H A P -